Yesterday, the RP took the airwaves at Fox News to spread the gospel about No Labels’ plans to introduce a comprehensive government reform package in December.
To learn more about No Labels, click here.
And watch the RP below:
Yesterday, the RP took the airwaves at Fox News to spread the gospel about No Labels’ plans to introduce a comprehensive government reform package in December. To learn more about No Labels, click here. And watch the RP below: Featuring the world debut of the next musical superstar, Alexa Narvaez and her daddy: Our second installment of RPTV’s Great Debates features a regular here at The Recovering Politician, former Atlanta Deputy Mayor and contributing RP Lisa Borders debating our newest team member, GOP pollster, rising political star and Friend of RP Kristen Soltis. The two debate the debt debacle, discuss this week’s controversial Newsweek cover featuring Michele Bachmann (click here to view), and pontificate on the RP’s choice of romantic movies (click here to understand what they are talking about), and their respective music careers. Speaking of music, below the debate video you can find links to the No Labels theme song that Lisa co-wrote with the rap star Akon, as well as the music video of “The Frustrations,” featuring Kristen on lead vocals. (Oh, and by the way, since the RPettes weren’t around to help the RP figure out how to Skype properly, there’s no video of Lisa, only her disassembled voice. This is not a Newsweekian attempt to demean a powerful female leader, just simple incompetence on the RP’s part. We have provided a picture of Lisa below to allow you to pretend that you can watch her on the video.) Enjoy: Please let us know what you think in the comments section below: Thanks to the magic of Skype, RPTV introduces a new feature today, “The RP’s Great Debates.” Our very first installment features a debate between two former Missouri state legislators, from opposite sides of the political spectrum, who somehow found a way to become good friends: contributing RPs Jeff Smith and Rod Jetton. In this interview, Smith and Jetton discuss their relationship, debate the debt ceiling crisis, and — best of all — do pretty accurate and very funny impressions of each other. If you are new to The Recovering Politician, you probably should read the following pieces by the two men: Rod Jetton’s 3 part stunningly candid essay on his rise, scandal and renewal: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Jeff Smith’s nationally acclaimed piece (featured in New York magazine’s “Approval Matrix”) on his rise, prison time and redemption: Click here for the full piece. And don’t miss Jeff Smith’s piece on their unlikely friendship. We strongly encourage you to watch the last few minutes of the following video. These guys are hilarious. Enjoy: If you’ve read former Missouri House Speaker Rod Jetton’s stunningly candid pieces on his rise, scandal and renewal, you probably have a lot of questions that his post raised. (If you haven’t, here are links to Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. And don’t miss Jeff Smith’s piece on their unlikely friendship, or their video Great Debate (hilarity alert!)) So did the RP. Here, he interviews Rod Jetton for the RPTV feature, “Fifteen Minutes of Fame.” Rod elaborates on many of the themes in his column, and talks from the heart about the nature of public services in today’s era. Enjoy: We pause our regular programming for this public service announcement: Last night on The Daily Show, John Stewart was having difficulty repressing himself from telling jokes about Marcus Bachmann, the husband of presidential candidade Michele, who runs a controversial gay repression therapy clinic. So he called in the cavalry:
It’s what you’ve been up late nights awaiting… The final episode of the RP’s classic quadrology (is that the next step after trilogy?): Part 4 of his home energy rehab. If you missed Parts 1-3, the audit and the rehab, which includes some exciting film of the geothermal work done on the Miller Home, click here. In Part 4, Jamie Clark of Arronco leads the RP through the final stages of the rehab, and then through the quality assessment, made possible by the Kentucky Home Performance program.
If you live outside of Kentucky, click here for a US Department of Energy site that provides links to programs in all 50 states. Read the rest of… Earlier today, former Governor and U.S. Senator Evan Bayh joined our team of contributing recovering politicians. We thought it was appropriate then to share the video of his moving speech in which he announced that he would not seek a third term in the U.S. Senate. The themes he strikes — a lack of civility in politics, the hyper-partisanship of Washington — are many of the same messages that animated the creation of The Recovering Politician. So sit back and enjoy our RPTV Friday Video Flashback: Our newest contributing recovering politician was a Secretary of State, two-term Governor, two-term Senator, and on the short-list of potential Vice Presidential nominees three times. So Evan Bayh needs little introduction. Suffice it to say that the centrist Democrat is one of the most well-known and well-respected recovering politicians in the country. In this week’s edition of RPTV’s Fifteen Minutes of Fame, Bayh shares his thoughts about political retirement, the virtue of public service, and the fiscal course our nation faces. Enjoy this interview as the RP welcomes Bayh to The Recovering Politician: |
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