By Julie Rath, on Fri Aug 23, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET

Sure, women are affected by what you’re wearing, but whether or not they swoon over you is about much more than that. Whether you’re new to the dating scene and ready to turn heads, or you’re in a relationship and want to show your partner the best version of yourself, read on for 8 tips on taking your attractiveness to the next level.
1) Don’t overdo the cologne. A small spritz on one or both wrists then a dab, wrist to neck, will do the trick. Also, make sure the scent you use works with your body chemistry. You can do this by testing it at the store then seeing if you still like the way it smells on you after half an hour or so. And if you wear aftershave, remember that has a scent too. It should not be overpowering, especially in combination with your cologne.
2) Everyone looks better when they smile. In order to make your smile as attractive as possible, it’s imperative that you take good care of your teeth. Have them whitened professionally or use an at-home system. Consider a retainer or Invisalign for crooked teeth.
3) Trim the hair around your eyebrows and ears as needed. Keep the rest of your body hair in check, including having the back of your neck cleaned up between haircuts.
4) Keep your nails clean and trim. Chewed up fingernails will make you look nervous, and dirty nails are just plain unappetizing.
5) Use a tongue cleaner and mouth wash to combat bad breath and carry breath strips or altoids when out on a date.
6) Be chivalrous. This one’s common sense, but it’s often neglected. It’s simple: hold the door for her, open her car door, and tell her she looks nice (in a non-slimy way).
7) I have a new client who mentioned that he has a flip phone. I’m not saying you need to have the latest and greatest of everything, but make sure you at least stay current with technology. An extremely outdated phone is not a good look!
8) Be confident in your appearance. When you look good (and you know it), you’ll naturally feel better about yourself. As a result, you’ll radiate effortless, positive energy and confidence, which becomes contagious and magnetic, and therefore others will respond to you with the same positivity that you reflect.
Do any of these tips resonate? In the comments below, let me know what strategy you’re going to try first and what tips you have to make yourself attractive.
By Julie Rath, on Fri Aug 16, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET

My cousin who works in A&R in the music industry sent me the above picture of his stylish self in the audience of the American Idol finale a few nights ago (it’s a family quirk, taking pictures of the tv). He’s rocking a sharp-looking Michael Andrews Bespoke vest, an old off-the-rack shirt that he had tailored to fit, and Persol shades as neckwear. The vest is made of lightweight wool and cost about $300. Check out how perfectly it fits him and the spirited lining in the images below.

Bespoke refers to clothing made to a person’s exact specifications and involves the creation of a unique pattern for each customer, which why is the fit is so dead-on.
Read the rest of… Julie Rath: Hot Summer, Cool Vests
By Julie Rath, on Fri Aug 9, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET
I met Ross D. at a party a few months back, and after one look at him, I knew we had to talk. That nonchalance! That haircut! Here was a guy who owns his look, whether it’s a jean jacket and t-shirt or his “ride or die” vintage leather jacket. So I asked him a few questions…
Rath: What do you do?
Ross: I work in music. I do songwriter/producer management.
Rath: Where do you hang out?
Ross: I live in SoHo and pretty much never leave the downtown area. All my friends make fun of me. Going uptown is like a major travel commitment for me. The Upper East Side might as well be New Hampshire.
Rath: Are you thinking of signing that guitarist behind you?
Ross: If he can play “Stairway to Heaven” with his eyes closed, standing on one foot, while balancing a pineapple on this head then it’s a done deal.
Rath: What do you wear to a meeting with songwriters or producers?
Ross: I usually wear whatever I feel comfortable in. The great thing about working in music is so can dress however you like. It enables you to express yourself creatively, which I feel ultimately helps foster both a creative and productive work environment.
Rath: What’s your favorite NYC music venue?
Ross: I really like Bowery Ballroom. They always have good shows and the vibe is great. Brooklyn Bowl is a cool venue as well. Who wouldn’t like kicking their friends asses in bowling while listening to great music?!
Rath: What sort of outfit do you usually wear when you go there?
Ross: I usually wear whatever I’m wearing to work, etc. However, recently I saw Hole play. I felt obligated to wear flannels and grunge it up.
Rath: Where do you shop for clothes?
Ross: Pretty much everywhere. In the words of my mom “Living in SoHo in like living in a mall”. She is right. It is hard to step outside without buying anything. Trust me, I have the bills to prove it. I love vintage clothes. Eleven on Elizabeth is one of my favorites. LA has GREAT vintage. Jet Rag on La Brea is hard to beat.
Rath: What’s your favorite outfit?
Ross: Definitely my black vintage motorcycle jacket. It took me forever to find the perfect one, but when I did I knew this was my “ride or die” jacket. I love the fact that the damn thing will outlive me and will probably end up right back in a vintage store someday being someone else’s “amazing find”. Full circle. Gotta love that.
Rath: Where did you get that rad haircut?
Ross: Amy at Arte Salon. She is the best. Not only does she give me a dope haircut every time, but she gives me whiskey too!
Rath: Do you spend much time on hair styling, or are you a wash and wear guy?
Ross: I’m definitely a wash and wear guy. Bed head was the best thing to happen to guys since ESPN. I wonder who the genius was that invented this look? Probably some hungover guy that was too lazy to comb his hair before work one day and just owned it. Brilliant.
Rath: Do you have any men’s style pet peeves?
Ross: Wow I have a lot. First off, those knit hats with the baseball brims. They are the worst. This leads me to my next pet peeve…guys that wear knit hats in warm weather. If you are having a bad hair day or whatever just put on a baseball hat. I also really hate sandals. Good for the pool/beach but bad for everyday life. Who in the hell wants to see a man’s hairy feet?!
By Julie Rath, on Fri Aug 2, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET Even naked isn’t naked enough in the ridiculous heat and humidity we’ve been having on the east coast. In my last article, I listed hot weather survival measures for clothing and grooming, but this time shoes are on my mind. If you’ve never switched up your footwear when the temperature rises and your dogs start barking, I urge you to consider it. You’ll look more seasonally appropriate, and your feet will thank you. Read on for Rath-approved picks in 8 categories of summer footwear.

1) Espadrilles
These stylishly nonchalant espadrilles from Castañer ($150) are an excellent alternative to flip-flops for those wanting more toe coverage.

2) Leisure Shoes
Ok, so this category is totally made-up. But the name fits these Riviera shoes ($80), doesn’t it? Don’t wear for anything other than leisure.
Read the rest of… Julie Rath: Free Your Feet — Summer Shoes
By Julie Rath, on Fri Jul 26, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET
Scorching hot temps got you down?
When it’s 90+ degrees out, you are definitely going to do some sweating.
But there are ways you can prepare so that you minimize the damage to your wardrobe and appearance.
Below are 11 tips for keeping cool and confident this summer.
1) Take your morning shower with the coldest water you can stand, and use a cooling soap with mint.
2) When you get out of the shower, powder your feet, armpits and groin to help keep you dry. Menscience body powder uses cornstarch and zinc oxide instead of talc (which has shown to have negative health effects) and was formulated for all-over use.
3) Use deodorant with antiperspirant, which slows the production of underarm sweat.

4) Apply a cooling product like Korres’s Greek Yogurt Cooling Gel as needed, post-shower. It’s designed for sunburns, but does a great job relieving all sensations of heat from your body.
5) Face wipes also make you feel and look cool by absorbing grease and oil.
6) Get your hair cut shorter and more frequently during warm months (including cleanups for the hair on the back of your neck and around your ears).
7) My guiding principle is that clothing should always fit impeccably, but in the summer months, I am OK with slightly looser fits to facilitate airflow, especially for items like linen shirts and pants.
8) Dark colors absorb sunlight and therefore heat, so opt for light colors like white, off-white, light grey, beige, and pastels, all of which present as more seasonally appropriate as well.

9) Choose natural fibers that breathe and are good at absorbing moisture. These include tropical weight wools, seersucker (not just for suits), linen (try in a tie if you wear one every day), hopsack, light cottons (opt for cotton broadcloth vs. a heavier oxford), cashmere, and silk. I like Bonobos’ lightweight chinos and the summer weight casual top above left and right. When shopping, be sure to read labels and avoid anything with nylon or polyester in it.
10) A quarter-lined or unlined suit jacket or sport coat will be lighter on your body than one with a full lining. (Note: this type of unconstructed jacket is inherently more casual than those with full linings, so be wise about where you wear them). If you go quarter lining, make sure the lining is made from Bemberg, which does a better job than silk of wicking moisture from your body.
Plan Ahead
11) Keep your office stocked with a backup shirt (especially good if you have a big meeting at the end of the day or dinner/drinks after work), face wipes mentioned above, and a bottle of deodorant. That way you’re set if things get sticky.
How do you stay cool and comfortable in the summer months and still look like you mean business?
By Julie Rath, on Fri Jul 19, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET In case you missed it, Rath & Co. was featured onThe Early Show talking Casual Friday and what people can and can’t get away with.
The video can be seen here.
Below are more thoughts on the topic:
- When Casual Friday rolls around, make sure you don’t forget that you’re still going to work, so some level of “business” needs to be involved.
- They always say to dress for the job you want, and that’s a good rule of thumb. If you’re going to the beach straight from work, you can find somewhere along the way to stop and change. Swim trunks + office does not lead to promotion!
- Guys should beware of wearing shorts to work. Everyone is fitness conscious these days — that’s great. We know you spend hours at the gym working on your quads, but you don’t need to display those gams at work! A little mystery doesn’t hurt.
- I saw a guy walking down the street recently in dress pants and carrying his dress shirt with a messenger bag slung across his shirtless torso. It looked uncomfortable and beyond strange. Instead of tearing off your clothes as soon as you hit the elevator, look for light colors and breathable fabrics like linen and lightweight cotton. I also like a blend of microfiber polyester and rayon because it wicks moisture away from the skin and doesn’t wrinkle easily in humidity.
- If you work in a creative field like advertising and want to wear whatever you please so that you’re comfortable enough to channel that inspiration, be sure you’re not doing so in a way where you show too much skin. There are plenty of other ways to express creativity: bright colors, fun patterns (like the purple plaid Billy Reid shirt in image above) and unique accessories like an interesting belt from APC or a punchy tie bar from J. Press over a knit tie (see below).
Happy Friday!
By Julie Rath, on Fri Jul 12, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET 
If there’s one place you want to look your best, I would venture to say at the beach or poolside would be at the top of the list. After all, that’s where (presumably) you’ll be as close to naked as you’ll ever get in public. Thanks in large part to the James Bond movie “Casino Royale,” which features a taut Daniel Craig emerging from the water in short, tight swim trunks, men’s swim styles have been moving gradually toward higher hemlines and more tailored cuts. While not everyone has the build or desire to bare quite as much as 007, abbreviated and tailored looks are in fact more flattering and mature in feel than the oversized, extra-long trunks you may be used to. My clients are always pleasantly surprised at what a couple fewer inches and a narrower trouser-like cut can do. With that in mind, below are 6 Rath-approved swimsuits for Summer 2013, with a little something for everybody.
Universally Flattering
With its flat waistband, mid-thigh length, constructed fly and trim leg openings, this classic style from Hartford
($165) looks good on just about everyone. Bonus tip: for the most flattering leg width, you should be able to fit 2-3 fingers in the bottom leg opening of your suit.
Read the rest of… Julie Rath: Sink or Swim: Your Guide to Summer’s Best Swimsuits
By Julie Rath, on Fri Jul 5, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET
I can’t believe it’s already been three weeks since my trip to Paris. I had a spectacular time wandering the city and checking out all the shops on my list.
When it comes to how the men over there style themselves, I will say this — French men wear scarves like nobody’s business. Even once indoors, the jacket comes off, but the scarf stays on.
It’s clearly an integral part of the outfit. Below are a couple mannequin shots I took outside Eglé Bespoke demonstrating different ways to incorporate a scarf into your look.


Note in both images how the scarf doesn’t cover up the other detail at the neckline — tie knot or collars. It actually adds visual interest and dimension to the look, making it more sophisticated. Another nice thing about adding neckline detail is that it draws the eye upward making you look taller and flattering your chest. On top of that, the vertical lines created by the downward drape of the scarf are slimming…scarves for the win!
Read the rest of… Julie Rath: Scenes from Paris
By Julie Rath, on Wed Jul 3, 2013 at 9:15 AM ET  Dear Jonathan,
When you first told me you were in the World Series of Poker last year (8th place, you stud!) and that you would be returning to Vegas to compete again this week, I was ecstatic for you. I really was. Then you spoiled it by sending me a link that showed what you wore last time.
I don’t mean to be harsh, but the words that come to mind are Fashion Train Wreck.
Jonathan, I suspect your reasoning was to dress like an amateur so the pros would think you were easy prey, but did you also want them (and everyone watching on TV) to think you were a dork? Now of course I know you are NOT a dork, but please make a note for future reference, wearing sports jerseys in general, much less on multiple days in a row, is not a good look.
So let’s put the past behind us. This year, I urge you to know when to hold ’em, when to fold ’em, and when to step away from the sports jerseys. Try a Hawaiian shirt instead. It has a lower dork-factor but still sends the message that you’re a casual player.
Good luck Jonathan! My money’s on you.
With best regards,
Julie Rath
Rath & Co. Men’s Style Consulting
By Julie Rath, on Fri Jun 28, 2013 at 8:30 AM ET Want to do something nice for yourself this summer? Love yourself up by adding linen to your wardrobe. Men are relatively limited in their options for staying breezy on blazing hot summer days, but as I’ve mentioned before, linen is a hot weather essential due to its lightweight and breathable qualities. The reason it can keep you comfortable is that the cloth absorbs up to 20% moisture without feeling wet.
You can buy linen either off-the-rack or through a custom clothier (if you’re a R&Co. client, you know how crazy I am for custom). Check out these fabric swatches below for some linen sportcoats I recently ordered for two clients.

Fabrics can made solely of linen as with the shirt below from Hartford, or they can be blended with other fabrics for a more refined look. The fabrics for the sportcoats above are combined with cashmere and silk, which makes them drape beautifully. We’ll pair them with everything from jeans and a henley or v-neck t-shirt to dress pants and a dress shirt and pocket square.
Read the rest of… Julie Rath: For Love of Linen