By Grant Smith, RP Staff, on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 1:30 PM ET
The CEO of Gibson Guitar Company says the raid by Federal Agents is “governmental overreach.” [Reuters]
The NASCAR Hall of Fame will open a temporary exhibit at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. []
Blackberry’s outage spreads to the United States….developing. [Washington Post]
Does anyone have a grip on the GOP? [New York Times]
By RP Staff, on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 12:30 PM ET
College life today is radically different from the experience of past generations. There are certain resources now available to the college-age population that have drastically altered lifestyles both in and outside of the classroom. See here for a list of twenty examples that have potentially changed higher learning for good, including cell phones, red bull, and google. [College Happenings]
One of the clearest signs of change in the college world is the constant increases in tuition costs. See here for a list of the most expensive colleges in the country for 2011-2012, as well as the most expensive school’s (Sarah Lawrence College) justification. [Campus Grotto] [CNBC]
The ways in which college students spend their money is indicative of the priorities of today’s university scene. See here for a study on how spending habits of college students have changed, looking at an emphasis on food, technology, and entertainment. [Bright Hub]
The significant increase in awareness of for-profit colleges demonstrates how it is not only traditional universities that are changing the educational world. In fact, these colleges are experiencing higher growth rates than traditional schools and will potentially have a significant impact in our country. [The Chronicle]
By RP Staff, on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 12:00 PM ET The RP is back on the air this week — interviewed for 20 minutes by Abigail Romaine of “Center: Uncensored” for WNZF Radio, serving Central Florida. The RP discusses The Recovering Politician and the No Labels national grassroots organization which he co-founded to promote civility and bi-partisan action on the nation’s critical issues.
Click here to listen to the interview.
By RP Staff, on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 10:01 AM ET If you are new to the site — introduced to The Recovering Politician by today’s NPR/”Q” broadcast of an interview with contributing recovering politician Jeff Smith — welcome!

Here are some handy links to Jeff’s most popular pieces:
You may also like to read our most popular pieces, all written by former politicians gone good:
Or, if you need a good laugh, our most hilarious pieces:
For media requests and individuals interested in contacting Jeff to be made aware of future book events and speaking engagements, please email To follow him on twitter, go to
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
Population growth and increased use of biofuels will keep food prices high in the coming years, leading to greater worldwide food insecurity. [Financial Times]
In China, Hairy Crabs are a prized delicacy that have spawned a counterfeit crab industry. [ NPR]
A Pennsylvania-based candy company creates controversy with Pot Pops–a lollipop in the shape of a marijuana leaf. [ LA Times]
By Chris Schulz, RP Staff, on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 8:30 AM ET Dear Mr. Buffett,
In the news recently, you, along with other millionaires, advocated for the raising of taxes among the rich–you demanded this action from President Obama as part of a solution to achieve a balanced budget. As one of the world’s richest men, you certainly have plenty of money to spare and you should do with that money as you please. However, you made your money in a free-market. You were able to identify undervalued and underperforming firms, purchase them and then turn them around into solid investments. No one on this planet has a better idea of return on investment (ROI) than you do. You have made a career of identifying the most efficient uses of your money and then you decided where your dollars would have the greatest return and invested there. In the free market environment that allowed you to make your billions, shouldn’t consumers decide where their money goes?
I would prefer to take my money and go out to eat at a local restaurant. This allows the chef to make a living, pay rent on a building, hire employees, get locally sourced foods from farms and local artisans, which then allows the farmers to live and pay their bills. Or I could donate my money to a charity, one that spends little on administrative expenses and instead gives most of the money back to those it means to help. These charities allow homeless people to get off the streets and find jobs, provide access to college for the underprivileged, provide clean water to third world countries, or fund research on various diseases. Another alternative is to donate my money to the Federal Government. I could decide that the Federal Agencies need $16 muffins, or I may think that nominal public officials need to spend public money on excessive bodyguards, or to tear-up and re-build perfectly good roads in a Keynesian attempt to improve the economy.
Read the rest of… Chris Schulz: An Open Letter to Warren Buffet
By Zack Adams, RP Staff, on Wed Oct 12, 2011 at 4:30 PM ET
“The 32 Wittiest Comebacks of All Time” [Buzzfeed]
If you walk by George Takei… [Twitter]
Guantanamora [Fredo&Pid’jin]
Wait for it [.gif]
CSI: Medieval Europe [comic]
Remorse [comic]
By Stephanie Doctrow, RP Staff, on Wed Oct 12, 2011 at 3:30 PM ET Amber Miller was 39 weeks pregnant when she completed the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, giving birth hours later. How’s that for dedication? [Chicago Tribune]
Looks like you can outsmart heart disease. New research reveals that people at higher risk for heart problems show no increased heart risk when they eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. [Time]
Can you guess what’s in this school lunch… and why these meals need to change? [CNN]
Policy makers in three dozen states this year proposed drug testing for people receiving benefits like welfare, unemployment assistance, job training, food stamps and public housing. How will this impact society? [NY Times]
Get the scoop behind the vocal cord injury affecting singer Adele. [Wall Street Journal]
By RP Staff, on Wed Oct 12, 2011 at 1:53 PM ET Has divorce become a reason to celebrate? Instead of mourning what was once considered a tragedy, individuals have started throwing parties to celebrate separating from their spouse. Check out this new trend, divorce parties. [Digital Journal]
Recent research shows that love has the potential to act as a pain killer. Individuals who were shown a picture of their lover reported a 45% reduction in their perception of pain compared to those who were shown a photo of a stranger. [CBS News]
According to a study done by a researcher at TAU’s Bob Shapell School of Social work, LGB teens are becoming more open with their sexuality. In 1991, the average age of coming out was 25, but a recent survey showed that age has decreased to 16. Researchers contribute this decrease to societal progress and cultural changes. [Science News]
A survey of teens’ sexual habits showed that fewer of today’s teens are having intercourse. The survey found that 42% of young women and 43% of young men have had intercourse, down from 51% and 60% respectively in 1988. Teens that had reported engaging in intercourse also reported higher condom usage than in the previous study. [USA Today]
By RP Staff, on Wed Oct 12, 2011 at 12:30 PM ET National Public Radio’s “Q”: A popular program — produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Company that reaches hundreds of public broadcasting stations in the U.S — just broadcast a 20-minute interview with Jeff Smith about his career and popular posts here at The Recovering Politician.
Click here to listen to the fascinating program.
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