John Y’s Musings from the Middle: The Liger Smartphone

Should it be called the new “Liger smartphone”?

I was excited about seeing the new Galaxy Note II –until I saw it, that is.

The new Samsung Galaxy Note II has the tag line: Is it a phone? Or is it a tablet?

They don’t elaborate, but could promote it adding:

Are you one of those people who is always saying, “I love my cell phone but sure do wish it were much bigger so it would be impossible to hold with one hand and comfortably carry with me.”
Or maybe you are one of those types who are fond of saying, “I love my iPad or PC tablet, but doggone it I sure do wish it was smaller so I’d have to squint to read the screen.”
Well….with the Samsung Galaxy Note II, you can finally have both!!!
That’s right, the Worst of BOTH worlds!!

Made my think of a scene from Napoleon Dynamite.

Liger: Part male lion and part tigress.

But nothing particularly special except they hadn’t been cross bread before and probably shouldn’t have been in the first place.


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