The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

Google has launched UAV Drones in South Africa  in a concerted effort with the World Wildlife Fund to combat rhino poachers. [Fast Company]

Netflix ranks Google Fiber as the “most constantly fast ISP in America.” [Netflix]

iOS 6 maps has been accidentally leading people to the middle of a national park, according to police. Some stranded for 24hrs with no food or water. [Victoria Police]

In relation to the last story, Apple is allowing Google Maps to once again be downloaded on their App Store. [Lifehacker]

I love this headline so much, because it is crazy and fascinating simultaneously. Here it is: “Scientists plan test to see if the entire universe is a simulation created by futuristic supercomputers” [TechEye]

GE has developed a tiny, thin cooling device that could be used to replace loud, bulky fans in super-slim laptops and tablets. [ExtremeTech]


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