Video from Yesterday’s No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work

No-Labels-imageYesterday, nearly 2000 Democrats, Republican & Independents joined in New York for No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work.

Co-founder Jonathan Miller was joined by national dignitaries such as Senator Joe Manchin, Governor Jon Huntsmann, Mayor Cory Booker, and Senator Kelly Ayotte, and a bank full of national press.

Here’s an excerpt from the Associated Press’ report on the event:

Duke SucksFiscal cliffs and debt ceiling fights are out. Problem-solving is in.

Members of Congress, governors and mayors from across the political spectrum joined more than 1,000 political activists Monday under the No Labels banner, calling for a series of reforms in Congress to address fed up voters and dysfunctional politics. Only weeks after a polarizing election and big fight in Congress over taxes and spending, they said Washington needs a new attitude…

“We realize this is not going to be easy. There are real philosophical differences between Democrats and Republicans that can’t be papered over with mere pledges of civility,” said Jonathan Miller, a No Labels co-founder and former Kentucky state treasurer. He quipped that Congress’ approval ratings was “somewhere below Brussels sprouts and Lindsay Lohan although it is slightly above root canals and Duke basketball.”

Check out the event video below.  And be sure to sign up for their mission to promote problem-solving, not hyper-partisanship at


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