John Y’s Musings from the Middle: The Magic of Moms

The magic of moms.

Recently my wife and two kids and I were flying together. As always we somehow lucked out again and got the next to last row in the airplane. We usually get the very last row, but this time we did almost as well.

The important thing, though, is that midway through the flight I looked over at my son (in aisle seat), daughter (window seat) and wife (middle seat) to my left as I worked away on my laptop on the aisle seat across from them.

They were all laughing and the kids were commenting as my wife told stories about them when they were little. Funny stories they love to hear and be reminded of as each child gets older and sees a different wrinkle of insight about themselves in the story while also being reminded of the family bonds and good feelings of an early time in our lives.

jyb_musingsThe engaged laughter and commentary made it to a low roar that seemed to last the entire flight and at one point, even though I was listening and smiling to myself, I had to gently “shush” them to keep from distracting those around us.

That didn’t go over well with them –and they got even louder.

And I was reminded that without the magical mom in the middle, the two children would have been quiet, well-behaved kids enduring a long flight reading to themselves while father worked. And no one laughed or commented on anything– except what to have for lunch when asked by the flight attendant.

Which was neither funny nor worthy of engaged commentary.

And what a different flight (life?) it would be. For all of us.


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