The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

Google Fiber is doing its best to embarrass the cable industry into offering better Internet service. I, for one, hope it works. The US is ranked 28th in the world in terms of broadband speeds. [Time]

Canada is not doing any better than the US – their broadband Internet has been graded as “Third World” by Netflix. [gigaom]

AT&T has come under fire from FCC for Facetime restrictions. AT&T stand by the belief that net-neutrality rules don’t apply to Facetime. [The Verge]

Here’s a funny video where Jimmy Kimmel goes on the street to ask people to compare an iPhone 4S under the guise of the new iPhone 5 to the person’s own iPhone 4S. [YouTube]

Could a Warp Drive be on the horizon? It appears to be more of a possibility than once thought. [Yahoo!]

The RIAA’s living nightmare: music pirating is increasing and it’s driving sales. [RealWriteWeb





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