The RP: Stop Fighting & Start Fixing!

The RP sent the following message to the 600,000 person army of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who comprise the No Labels movement.  Please read, and if you agree, sign on to this important cause:

The election is over, and our leaders are talking about working across the aisle — but will they follow through?

The stakes have rarely been higher. Neither side has the numbers to push through an agenda without compromise, and the price of failure would be severe. Once again, they have no choice but to work together.

Speaker John Boehner said, “If there was one mandate that came out of the election, it was find a way to work together to address our problems.” President Barack Obama agreed, inviting congressional leaders tothe White House to work on a solution to the fiscal cliff.

We can’t let these words become empty promises. Congress is coming back in three days — we need to have a towering stack of petitions waiting for the leaders. Join the many telling them that we won’t tolerate more of the same gridlock.

More than a half-million Democrats, Republicans and independents have coalesced behind this cause. Washington can and will work, but only if the people demand it. That’s what we’re doing.

We need to keep up the pressure for solutions so that our leaders hear us. Take a moment and help us reach our goal of aligning 50,000 names behind our message to Congress: stop fighting and start fixing.

It’s people like you, who care about your future, that inspired us to set out and be heard.

Thank you for all you do.


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