Peter Beinart Disappoints Again

A few months ago, I reviewed Peter Beinart’s trashy, error-filled hit-job on the State of Israel, The Crisis of Zionism.

As more and more Zionists have piled on, it seems as if Beinart is seeking the aid and comfort of some of Israel’s — and Judaism’s — worst enemies.  This week, the Atlantic exposed Beinart’s new relationship with the uber-controversial, anti-Zionist Web site, Mondoweiss:

Yesterday, Peter Beinart’s pluralistic blog, Open Zion, published a post by Alex Kane, a staff writer for a website called Mondoweiss.It’s impossible to peer into the hearts and minds of the people who edit the site, but Mondoweiss often gives the appearance of an anti-Semitic enterprise. Site founder and editor Phil Weiss, a former writer for the American Conservative when Pat Buchanan was editor, wrote this past May, “I can justly be accused of being a conspiracy theorist because I believe in the Israel lobby theory … certainly my theory has an explanation of the rise and influence of the neocons. They don’t have a class interest but an ideological-religious one.”

An April 2011 article on the site strongly implied that Mossad agents were involved in the murder of Italian activist Vittorio Arrigonni, an assertion for which there’s no factual evidence. In 2011, contributor Max Ajl argued against “left-wing” condemnation of the Itamar massacre, in which attackers killed five members of a settler family, including a three-month old baby. In 2009, Jack Ross, who has contributed to the white nationalist, Holocaust-denying journal The Barnes Reviewargued on Mondoweiss that “it was not the appeasement, but the internationalist hubris and bellicosity of Chamberlain which started World War II.” In other words, lay off the Nazis.

“Iran has never officially denied the Holocaust,” Mondowess claimed in April of this year. This statement might be technically true, but it is functionally false. It also reflects a troublingly dismissive attitude towards Holocaust denial on the part of high-ranking Iranian officials.

One winner of Mondoweiss’ recent “New Yorker parody contest” was a bizarre entry in which former Israeli Prime Minister has a teary reunion with the ghost of his long-lost father: Adolf Hitler.

Philip Weiss has found evidence of Jewish influence and Jewish perfidy in everything from NPR to the names of the buildings at Harvard University to an innocuous statement by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Weiss has argued that the “Jewish presence in the Establishment” imposes its own single-minded, communalistic interests upon the whole of American and British society. “Don’t you see,” he wrote in a post also suggesting “Zionists” were to blame for the outbreak of the Iraq war, “the vociferousness and effectiveness of the Israel lobby make this conflict Our Conflict!” Ironically, Weiss also believes that Zionism entails Jewish self-hatred.

Is Alex Kane, the Mondoweiss writer whose post was featured on Newsweek’s Open Zion, responsible for all this? Of course not. But he is a Mondoweiss staff reporter. Publicly, he does not challenge the site’s lunacy. And Open Zion, in carrying a byline from Mondoweiss, incorporates not just Kane but the Mondoweiss reputation and all of its sordid baggage into its larger conversation.

 Click here to read the full article.


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