Penny-Ante Attack on Alison Grimes



Call me biased — and I the first to admit I am — but I think this latest attack on Alison Lundergan Grimes by Kentuckians for Strong Leadership (i.e., McConnell’s people being paid by unknown, independent sources) is, to use a poker term, pretty penny-ante. 

To summarize: Businesses in which Grimes has a small minority share failed to file their annual statements on time. 

Ironic, since her office accepts the statements?  Sure. 

But troubling?  Of course not.  She has no involvement in the administration of these companies.

They’ve obviously been digging up dirt to whack-a-mole her for many months; and if this is all they have, they are in real trouble:

Records show Grimes-owned Company in “Bad Standing” with Commonwealth of KY

Secretary of State records show Grimes’s Glenncase LLC not in good standing with her own office

(Frankfort) If Alison Grimes hopes to prove she can be an effective Senator for Kentucky, she needs to get her own affairs in order first. A review of records filed with the Secretary of State’s office – which Grimes runs – shows that a business she owns – Glenncase LLC – is not in good standing with the Commonwealth of Kentucky. How does a business stay in good standing? By filing a simple form…with the Secretary of State’s office.

“Grimes’ disastrous campaign launch showed she wasn’t ready for prime time,” said Scott Jennings, a Senior Advisor to Kentuckians for Strong Leadership. “Now we find that a business Grimes owns isn’t even in good standing with her own office. Kentucky voters are quickly learning that Grimes’ political ambition exceeds her ability.”

Publicly available records show Ms. Grimes as the organizer of Glenncase, LLC. Her personal financial disclosure shows that she is a current owner of the company as well. Both records are attached to this release.

“Perhaps if Mrs. Grimes read her own press releases she would have remembered to keep her affairs in order,” Jennings said, noting that the Secretary of State’s office sent out two releases (June 20 release; July 9 release) admonishing Kentucky business owners to file with the Commonwealth.

“A business simply needs to fill out the right paperwork with the Secretary of State’s office to be in good standing,” said Jennings. “Grimes’ latest unforced error shows a lack of understanding of her personal business operations and of her current elected office, and calls into question her ability to effectively represent Kentucky in the U.S. Senate,” said Jennings.

Please Note: Grimes’ businesses didn’t live up to their responsibilities under Kentucky law – and her own office’s requirements – until after we pointed out her failure. After that, they hastily filed the paperwork they should have submitted earlier.


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