Josh Bowen: The Simplicity of Results

A famous scientist with a hair style I envy once wrote, “Everything should be kept as simple as possible but not simpler.”

Simplicity, a novel concept that couldn’t possibly be true in exercise, could it? I mean with all the 3am infomercials about insane workouts using everything from your body weight to the kitchen sink and weight loss products that promise “instant results.” There is no such thing as “instant” results but there is a strategy of simplicity I tend employ. In continuation with this blog and all its wisdom, I would like to take the time and share some knowledge with those people looking for that perfect weight loss book or that magic cure to get rid of love handles. Well now you’re asking how I lose weight. How do I keep the weight off? In my career as a personal trainer I have realized one important thing: keep it simple. Nutrition and weight loss are very simple. Just follow my instructions.

1. Don’t over eat. Figure out why and when YOU do overeat. Is it an emotional reason? A lack of planning? Maybe just a lack of knowledge and accountability. We don’t get better unless we know what is preventing us from turning the corner, so access yourself and stop overeating. Keep it simple.

2.Carbs are not bad they are your #1 energy, use them as such. Stay away from foods with a lot of sugar, choose oatmeal over donuts, broccoli over bread and apples over bananas. Keep it simple.

2A. Get rid of the sugar in your diet. You don’t need it, its only making problems worse, say goodbye! Keep it simple.

3. Eat smaller portions. Learn when to say no to seconds and thirds. Your body does not have to eat that entire pizza, save the rest for the dog, I am sure he gets hungry too. Keep it simple.

4. Dessert is a habit, not a physiological need for survival. Habits can be broken. Just say no to the banana split. Keep it simple.

5. When eating out (if you must!), say no to Whoppers, Big Macs, and Thick burgers. Say yes to Grilled Chicken. When asked, “If you want fries with that,” Say my trainer said no. Keep it simple.

6. Eat smaller and more frequent meals. Humans are periodic eaters and continual metabolizers. In order to increase that metabolism we have to eat more frequently.  For example, in order for the fire to burn it needs wood, same thing      applies to your metabolism. Keep it simple.

This is by no means an all-inclusive list but you get the point.  Weight loss is not that difficult nor is it that complicated; it just requires a little knowledge and a lot of gumption. If you want to continue to eat whatever you want you have two options:

  1. Move a lot (a lot!)
  2. Or keep gaining weight year after year after year.

Then one day you might realize that trainer guy was right. Keep it simple!


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