TONIGHT: Join the RP Debate about the Presidential Debate

As many political commenters have noted, the first Obama/Romney debate a few weeks ago was our nation’s first Twitter debate.  Twitter commentary during the debate was as potent, if not more, than the traditional post-debate spin from the talking heads.

Tonight, the RP Nation is being empowered to join in the fun.  During tonight’s second debate (which begins at 9:00 PM EDY), we will be running a live feed on our home page that will include up-to-the-second tweeting of our bipartisan group contributing recovering politicians, including Michael Steele, Krystal Ball, Jeff Smith, and Rod Jetton.

And you too can join in.  Just use the hashtag #RecoveringPol, and your tweets about tonight’s debate will be broadcast live at The Recovering Politician.

So bring on your spin, commentary, observations, and jokes.  We look forward to opening the civil discussion to a whole new audience.


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