By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Dec 8, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
Consumers of fair-trade foods beware–if the product is certified by Fair Trade USA, you might be getting goods that are less fairly-traded than you think. [Motherjones]
Wondering what get your foodie friend or family member for Hanukkah/Christmas/Kwanzaa? You can’t go wrong with a cookbook–check out the best of 2011. [Epicurious]
If you’re planning to fly over the holidays and dreading long layovers because of the lack of decent dining options in airports, then dread no more. Here’s a list of 25 airport restaurants that will make your travel a more decadent experience. [Delish]
The RP’s Recipe of the Week: Kale Chips. If you’re looking for a healthy snack to get you through the winter, try this vitamin packed, easy to follow recipe.
By Patrick Derocher, on Thu Dec 8, 2011 at 9:15 AM ET Upon reading this article, you will want to eat these.
In a crave-inducing study, a Stanford University study has found potato chips to be reflective of socioeconomic, and possibly even political, divides in the United States. Researchers in the University’s linguistics department analyzed the language on 12 brands of potato chips– six expensive brands, and six inexpensive brands. Their findings indicated that more expensive brands had more words, more advanced language, and more of an emphasis on healthiness than their lower-priced counterparts. Additionally, less expensive brands tended to emphasize tradition, with the most common words including “basic,” “fresh,” and “light,” while the more expensive brands try to portray themselves as exotic, using words like “savory,” “culinary,” and “flair.” [San Jose Mercury News]
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Dec 1, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
In order to meet the needs of the world’s population, the global food system must reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. [Businessweek]
Feeling the need to detox after your Thanksgiving binge? Here are some healthy ways to do so. [EmpowHer]
One small step for beer, one giant leap for beerkind. Natty light is the first beer launched into space. [Huffington Post]
Free-range. Cage-free. Organic. Natural. What do these labels on egg cartons really mean? [MSNBC]
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Nov 24, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
Is talking politics over Thanksgiving dinner a no-no? With some ground rules, it may not be. [CNN]
Here’s an open letter written by health care professionals to the CEO of McDonald’s with a simple plea: stop marketing junk food to kids. []
For a visual potluck of culinary inventions with links to recipes, check out this site. [TasteSpotting]
You may know that BPA exposure is linked to plastics, but a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that canned foods are another source of exposure. [NPR]
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Nov 17, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and while some look forward to traditional side dishes, others want to break up the monotony of the holiday meal. Here are some ideas for easy side dishes that will add some new flavor to your Thanksgiving dinner. [NY Times]
How is Congress fighting the proposal by the Obama administration to make school lunches healthier? By allowing pizza to be counted as a vegetable. [MSNBC]
If you will be hosting any vegetarians at your holiday dinner, here are some tips to make them feel welcome at the table. [Food Network]
The RP’s Recipe of the Week: Jellied Cranberry Sauce with Fuji Apple [Food & Wine]
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Nov 10, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
A growing body of research shows that processed foods and drinks sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup may be as addictive as cocaine. [Bloomberg News]
Colder weather and soup go hand in hand. Here are ten soups from around the globe that are worth a try. [BBC Travel]
Trader Joe’s executives refuse to sign a Fair Food Agreement proposed by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a labor and human-rights organization, and supported by social-justice oriented religious leaders. The agreement is intended to address labor abuses in the tomato fields and to increase the pay of tomato pickers by one penny per pound. [The Atlantic]
The RP’s Recipe of the Week: Martha Stewart’s Fall Vegetable and Orzo Casserole
By Jonathan Miller, on Fri Nov 4, 2011 at 12:30 PM ET In an otherwise excellent column on the national ramifications of next week’s Kentucky gubernatorial election, one of my favorite political journalists, Howard Fineman of The Huffington Post, writes:
And then there is the charm factor. [Governor Steve] Beshear is a good ol’ boy of the old school, the kind of guy you’d see at the lunch counter. [Running mate Jerry] Abramson — who would be the first Jew elected to statewide office in Kentucky — looks like a prosperous, well-barbered guy in the good seats at the ballgame, but he’s just as gregarious, and he’s traveling the state from Pikeville to Paducah to talk about the jobs he has managed to bring to the Louisville area. (Emphais added)
So what am I, chopped liver?
Since I am the first Jewish political contributor to The Huffington Post, I am especially offended.
(H/t to Leah McCormick Adkins, the winning Campaign Manager for Miller for Treasurer 1999)
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Nov 3, 2011 at 11:00 AM ET
Beware of the “artisan” label on food products–it may just be a marketing gimmick. [USA Today]
What would you pick as your last meal on earth? Here are some answers that chefs gave. [NPR]
If you buy packaged salad, you might get a free pet frog with your purchase. [Huffington Post]
By Sandra Moon, RP Staff, on Thu Oct 27, 2011 at 10:00 AM ET
Good news for coffee drinkers–new research shows that enjoying a daily cup of joe may reduce the risk of the world’s most common cancer, basal cell carcinoma. [Huffington Post]
Beware of fish fraud. The red snapper or white tuna you order at a restaurant may not be what you end up eating. [NPR]
Annual Food and Beverage Trends Report shows that efficiently produced foods like greens and legumes are going to be the hot items to hit our plates. [WSJ Marketwatch]
The RP’s Recipe of the Week: Roasted pumpkin seeds. After you’re done carving your jack-o-lanterns, turn the seeds into a delicious snack. []
By Patrick Derocher, on Thu Oct 27, 2011 at 9:16 AM ET Perhaps justifying First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative, a recent survey suggests that overweight and obese workers are costing the economy jobs and money. According to a recent Gallup survey, some 86% of U.S. workers are overweight, obese, or chronically unhealthy, costing the economy some $153 billion per year in lost productivity. [Washington Post]
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