Lauren Mayer: The Election’s (Heretofore) Unsung Breakout Star

Whew!  After all that worrying, there were no fights over vote counts, no major machine meltdowns, no hanging chads, and nothing to do for the legions of lawyers on deck for both parties.  It’s a little like the aftermath of Y2K, when the world didn’t end and nothing bad happened other than a few hangovers.  Of course there were plenty of positive newsworthy stories, from the increase in women in the senate, to patient voters who cheerfully waited out long lines, to the bipartisan bromance of Governor Christie and President Obama.  But perhaps the biggest winner of all was Nate Silver, the NY Times “538” blogger, sabermetrician (look it up, I had to) and expert on psephology (ditto) whose mathematical polling analysis proved 100% accurate, making all his critics look foolish and illogical.  Plus his calm analysis throughout the campaign made him a refreshing Dr. Spock in a sea of emotional hotheads.

I referred to him as the heretofore unsung star, because after this video he’ll no longer be unsung.  This may be the first fan song he’s received, but I doubt it will be the last.



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