Jonathan Weiss: Reflections on the Election

The Jewish vote for Romney was 32% – up 10% from 2008..but clearly the Obama coalition doesn’t depend on it like the Democrat Party of old.  It’s the new youth-single women-black-latino votes that lost this thing.  I think I was somewhat prophetic in what I said to you in my email before the election.
What this means is we need to clean house and start to put other faces in charge;  the future coalition of the GOP will be a synergy between social Libertarians, Jack Kemp (supply side) Republicans, and something I call Republican NeoRealists (“Neo Realism”).
This will include people like Condoleeza Rice, Allen West, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Alberto Gonzalez, and Log Cabin (gay) Republicans.
NeoRealists will work for, push, support, and make law state-based solutions for replacing the social compact of the New Deal and War on Poverty, while being inclusive of the reality of our population – it is openly accepting of gay issues, and I think the Republican Party should just accept it, support it, and make it known that we’re not going to fight that issue since gays, too, are concerned about economic freedom and prosperity.  I think we should just say we support gay marriage as a general rule as a state-by-state decision, and that any marriage recognized in one state will be automatically recognized in another.
To bring forward the understand of the grievances of the black population, we can there tap into the connection of the religious aspect – as churches are a core element in many around the country.
I think we’re hanging onto some ideals that are a little rediculous and there is nothing wrong with waking up to this fact.
The focus of the moral majority of the 1980s is over and we need to accept it and make appropriate changes.  The Reagan coalition came together because one person had the vision to realize what unites people.
The youth today are clearly – clearly – unimpressed with the GOP.  The only way to capture them is to tap into their desires.  They just don’t care about anything, frankly.  Look at all the smut on the internet.  We can support their smut and just tax it – tax it overwhelmingly.
We need to legalize marijuana and tax it.
Thus – a lot of things we traditionally opposed out of morals, we now must support, and tax or give state control to manage, with our full support.  In terms of Latinos, give them what they want – support their full inclusion and give them a clear, easy, understandable path.
It is better to make adjustments in order to get a win than to stand your ground and watch your ship sink with pride.  Afterall, a sinking ship’s flag still remains at the bottom of the ocean.


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