#TeamRP vs. #TeamJYB3 — Day 3 of the Fitness Challenge





I have never been to Italy in my 49 years on this planet. (Not that I have spent time on any other planet. I may have…and just not be aware of it. The point is when I say, “I have never been to Italy before in my 49 years on this planet” what I’m saying is that I’ve never been to Italy. Ever. Just a more dramatic way of sayi ng it. (Note: That’s not really true. I once spent several hours in Italy while traveling abroad about 30 years ago. But you get the point. Really, for all intents and purposes, I’ve never spent any time in Italy.)

Until today. I like it here. The people are like the French (they have style and flair for food and fashion) but they are nice too. And don’t pretend to not know how to speak English when they really do.

I don’t speak Italian. But I am learning to speak English with an Italian accent (e.g. Can-ah I-ah have-ah some-ah spaghetti-ah, please-ah? I am-ah on-ah diet-ah to, um, ah, how do you say…mmm, lose-ah 15 pounds-ah (or at least-ah 10). Or…..emmmm, if you would say here in-ah Italy I am going to lose 6.8 Kilograms (or at a least-ah 4.5 kilograms)

As for details of the diet today, it is thoroughly unimpressive.

So bad, in fact, I wondered briefly if the challenge from Jonathan Miller was exclusive to the United States and might exclude weight gaining (or losing) activities when traveling abroad, i.e. eating. In other words, if I have lost 3/10ths of a pound in the US since the challenge but gain 3 pounds in Italy, upon returning to US I would still be considered as having lost 3/10ths of a pound. I have submitted this inquiry and am awaiting an answer. I’ve also asked if that is not the case but since gaining 3 pounds in Italy is viewed as 1.4 kilogram here, the net gain (I’m arguing) should be 1.1 pounds rather than 2.7 pounds. It’s just simpler than having to do a lot of back and forth converting.

We treat 1 Euro as about the same as 1 dollar. We should, I am arguing, do the same with the kilogram and pound. Both for simplicity sake and the larger issue of improving US and European relations. And to allow me to eat as much awesome Italian food as I want but only being penalized for about 40% of it. It’s a classic win-win-win.

Note: I did not eat ANY of these deserts. Just took a picture of them. Except I did purchase the desert on the top upper right.

But did NOT eat the entire cannoli. Just a small part of it. Perhaps several small parts of it. But not all. Promise.



The Dukan DietI’m not a big fan of dieting.  Too often, they don’t work; or if there is a temporary effect, it is immediately reversed after the diet concludes.  Additionally, “dieting” reminds me too much of what teenage girls call the rationalization of an eating disorder.

However, my literary agent passed me on a book from another of her clients.  In The Dukan Diet, Dr. Pierre Dukan offers a new nutrition paradigm that involves a lot of protein and an much lighter dose of carbs and sugar.  While similar in theory to the Atkins’ plans, this version is supposedly much more responsible and can lead to healthier lifestyle habits.

Anyone in the RP Nation familiar with Dukan?  Any other suggestions?


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