John Y’s Musings in the Middle: “Stuck in the Middle with You”

Always liked this song, wondered what the meaning was….and felt I could somehow relate. In some profound way.

You know what I mean? You feel you can related to a song without having any idea what the meaning is?

I speculated it could be stuck in the middle of life or middle of an important metaphorical dilemma or just stuck and waiting for some existential meaning or spiritual breakthough and learning to make the most of it (and grateful to have the person next to you to help make the journey worthwhile, a sort of Waiting for Godot)

Well, turns out the lyrics are based on an actual negotiation at a restaurant where the singer/songwriter was stuck between two others who were part of the negotiation.

Much like the video.

Oh well. I can relate to that too.

Was just hoping the song, and my life, had more profound meaning that this. But the older I get, the more I’m beginning to realize it may not.

And that I better enjoy the music, the good food, the conversation with the joker and the clown.

And even the annoying negotations.


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