John Y’s Musings in the Middle: Biblical Origins of Democrats and Republicans

Biblical origins of Democrats and Republicans?

A few years ago I had the honor of sitting next to former Ohio Representative Tony Hall who spoke at Kentucky’s prayer breakfast.

He’s a faithful and inspirational leader and we discussed a range of serious topics before I inevitably had to try to inject some humor into our heavy topics.

Rep. Hall had a wonderful sense of humor and inevitably the discussion turned to the bitter partisanship that was dividing our country.

There was a mix of Republicans and Democrats at the dinner. Actually more Republicans…and we wondered aloud where this division started.

I offered my theory that the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son may help answer that question.

The Prodigal Son was wasteful and extravagant and disrespectful but returned home humbled and wiser and was embraced and forgiven by his father who welcomed the lost son back and called for a celebration at his son’s return.

The Prodigal Son also had a brother–an elder brother–who had stayed home, worked hard and was respectful and not wasteful but who watched on with jealousy and bitterness as the father embraced the formerly wayward younger son.

My theory is that Democrats descended from the Prodigal Son. And Republicans descended from his brother.


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