John Y’s Musings from the Middle: The Female Species

jybderby_1One day, I am confident, I will come to understand the female species.

At least if reincarnation really exists.

Because doing so in this lifetime isn’t looking likely, even though I have felt at numerous times that I was on the cusp of “getting it.”

But these times that I believed I was on the verge of a breakthrough of complete comprehension of the distaff side turned out instead to be what psychologists call “a delusion.” And made me feel like a marathon runner who believes he just caught sight of the finish line but as he gets closer realizes it is just another starting line.

Which is probably just as well.

As much as underatanding the female psyche sounds like a desireble goal, it would take a lot of fun out of life. And be depressing to think that they were no more mysterious than my half of our species.


jyb_musingsGreat seques in spousal conversations.

Dec 21st 2013 10:30pm:  “You have been in a mid-life crisis for a long time now, haven’t you? You think it will ever end or just keep dragging on and on?”

(Note: In case you weren’t sure, that question was  posed by my wife to me, not the other way around.)

My response:

“I dunno. At some point it no longer makes sense to ever finish it.”


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