Josh Bowen: Why Wait? Start Now!

“Procrastination is the assassination of motivation”

Time is something you can never get back. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. It is our most precious resource. So why wait? Why wait for anything, knowing what we know. The answer probably falls down to priorities and things that get pushed to the back of the line, tend to be less of a priority than others.  I do this with opening the mail. It is literally, one of my top three most hated things. I will push off checking my mail for days, sometimes weeks. Why? Because it is not a priority to me. If it were, I would open my mailbox everyday and sort through it. People treat fitness, like I treat the mail. Its something we can do tomorrow, or Monday or the first of the month or the FIRST of the year! People treat it like the red headed step child of their lives or like I treat the mail. The bad part about it is, I can open my mail anytime and it will always be the same, YOUR time on earth is precious, there won’t always be tomorrow.

Now, not to get morbid because that is not the point but procrastinating doesn’t get you anywhere. It wastes time. And by wasting time, we get further and further away from where we want to be. Today is December 4th, 2013 and I know there will be a large percentage of people that read this that are waiting until January 1 to start their fitness program. Why wait? I won’t bore you with trite statistics about New Years Resolutions but the proof is in the pudding. More people fail than succeed. I’m here to help you succeed and take action now so when 2014 makes its appearance you are already on the road to success. Here are some action steps to take:

“A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step”

Step 1- Start. There is nothing magical about starting on the first, a Monday or a new year. Literally nothing, other than psychological. Get out and start moving. You don’t have to go purchase a gym membership or buy fancy workout equipment, but do something. Walk, run, bike, lift weights, yard work, something, anything to get you moving.

Step 2- Start small. There is no need to go all out. Life is all about momentum. Instead of committing to working out everyday, try 2-3 days. Build up your tolerance and your confidence. If going to gym is not your thing, start working out at home. Just do something.

joshStep 3- No analysis by paralysis. Google fitness and you’ll find anything and everything you could ever want to know. Theres too much information out there. Hence the reason why I wrote the “12 Steps to Fitness Freedom” In my book I take all the jar gain and all the rhetoric and condense it to a nice 12 step process. Shameless plug, available January 7th!

Step 4- Have fun. Do something you like to do. You like to dance try Zumba, you like to life heavy things (best way to get into shape in my opinion) do that. The point is to do something. Obviously some thing’s are better than others but my suggestion is always to get started now, never to wait.

Step 5- Personalized fitness. Everyone needs guidance particularly with things we don’t know much about or can’t seem to motivate ourselves towards. Even I need help with my fitness. Go see a personal trainer. Interview them and see if it may be a good fit. If you want more information about me click on this link

2014 is right around the corner but 2013 still has some legs to it. Make the most of the time we have.

Now drop and give me 20!


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