John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Numbers Lie

jyb_musingsHow numbers lie!

My book Musings from the Middle is currently ranked as the 865,544th best-selling book on

To someone who didn’t know better, they may think, “Wow, John. That’s not very good.”

And that would be understandable…. But wrong.


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Because numbers lie and the number (or ranking) 865,544th is compared to “all” books currently selling on

That includes every genre fiction, non-fiction, sports, biography, crime, history, religion, comic, fix it, nature and so on and so on.

In the important and more appropriate category (or genre) for me, “Books published in July of this year in the non-fiction, human interest and humor categories that starts with the letter “M” and ends in the letter “E” and is written by a self-published author from Louisville, KY” well, let’s just say, my book would then rank in the Top Ten.


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