John Y’s Musings from the Middle: My Unfilled Bucket List

My “Unfilled” Bucket List of things to do before turning 50 (in 3 weeks)

1) See the Grand Canyon

2) Be an author (I kind of did that but with an eBook, which is only partial credit)

3) See some other national historic site in the West but can’t recall which one.

4) Get down to “HSW +15” (high school weight plus 15 lbs).

5) Learn to paint

6) Learn to dance

7) Learn to play an instrument

8) Become a millionaire (or at least stop asking my mom for loans)

9) Make a second contribution to IRA. (After I start one and contribute once.)

10) Run the mile in under 4 minutes. (Oops! I meant, run for 4 minutes nonstop)

11) Watch the entire Godfather trilogy in sequence

12) Clean out my closet

13) Change the light bulb in the basement storage closet

14) Read a Gentleman’s Guide to Etiquette to my son. (Or have my daughter read it to me. This was an either/or bucket list item)

15) Fix something in the house without using duct tape or super glue

jyb_musings16) Learn to sing

17) Take a foreign language (Ok. This was on and I took it off and then put back on and took off again for good.)

18) Don’t qualify for any new 12 step programs

19) Don’t shrink in height because you are close to not being able to round up to 5 ‘9 as it is.

20) Turn 49 ( I did that! Yay me!!)

I still have 17 to go after dropping foreign language and only partial credit for eBook and stopping asking my mother for loans.

It’s going to be a very busy next 3 weeks trying to complete my “Bucket List before 50” right?


My new Bucket List for the second half of life is going to include not having a Bucket List and just live each day relatively well and not worry about stuff I won’t get to do before I die. I’ve done a few. Like turning 49. And it was overrated anyway.


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