John Y. Brown, III: Buy My Book!!

Click here to BUY MY BOOK!

Click here to BUY MY BOOK!

A shameless and unconventional promo of my eBook.

Look…my eBook is ranked, ahem, 391,200 on

Is that bad? It is only if you focus on the link underneath it offering to take you to the top 100 ranked books on In other words, there are 391,101 that separate me from being in that group.

To some people who read a lot of books, that may not sound like a lot. But to me, well, even though I read a good deal….391,101 books … a lot. Quite a bit. A whole lot, in fact!

So I’m pitching this eBook one last time. And if I don’t break into the top, say, 281,200 on, guess what? I’ll write another book! That’s right. If enough people don’t buy this one because they don’t want it…. there will be a sequel! Mark my word.

That’s right.

Next time I’ll try hawking two books in a Facebook post that other people don’t want to read, not just one!

Game on!! I’m serious. I’ll write it. I will. I’ll write a second eBook. I already have a title for it.

Title: “More….a lot more….Musings from the Middle: The sequel. II. And these aren’t very good at all –and seem to just go on forever. Just awful.”

Do you really want me to go there? Do you really want me to hawk a second and much worse eBook in a Facebook post? I don’t want to…and you don’t want me to either…but I just may. You’ve been warned.



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