John Y’s Musings from the Middle: My Inner Superfly

Leave ’em speechless. My inner-Superfly. And vivid imagination:

Me: I really don’t think you would have sent that snarky text this morning if you’d known the truth about what song I’d just listened to.  That’s right. What song (and video) I had just listened to and watched. And was feeling. Superfly! Curtis Mayfield.  Uh-huh. That’s right!

Texter: I’m sorry Mr Brown. I didn’t know.

Me: You’re sorry alright. Don’t text me in that sarcastic tone ever again.

Texter: I won’t, sir. I swear.

I love cool comebacks that I have with others during imaginary conversations I have in my head.

Sure, it’s not quite the same as if I actually said it during an actual conversation to an actual person. But it still sends a message. Maybe a message no one but me is aware of. But it sends a message to me that I’m not as important or feeble as I feel at the moment.

jyb_musingsAnd, yeah, I’m pretty good at it, too. Like Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t braggin’ if you done it.” And I do have a lot of great comebacks that shut down rude people in their tracks. (Imaginary comebacks in imaginary conversations with imaginary people).

But as these fantasy conversations go, they are impressive, and plentiful, and I always get the last word. Leaving my rivals speechless and ashamed–and hopefully a little wiser the next time they find themselves in an imaginary conversation with me.


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