The call was appreciated, reported amd my friend even got to give a live update and describe the situation as it was developing. He was thanked for doing a good civic deed.
That impressed me, and I hoped to someday be able to volunteer my own civic good deed –by reporting back from about some important fact that those at home would appreciate knowing about.
Today, I feel, is my moment.
So here goes:
“Hey Louisville, I have been out driving all over our city for nearly 4 hours now and, I swear, almost every store is closed. Don’t go out unless you have to or just want to go to Thorton’s or Bed, Bath and Beyond. They are both open. And so is Panera Bread. But there isn’t a single place in our city open for a hair cut, if you are a guy. If you are a guy and want a haircut today, forget it! Ain’t happening! Wait until tomorrow. Or call a friend who cuts hair in her apartment —but even she is probably not working today because she is at some barbecue or cookout. And if Walmart is open today –and you absolutely have to get your haircut–don’t buy a Flowbee. I bought one once and it doesn’t work like on TV.”
OK, Louisville, over and out. Or whatever it is I am supposed to say.
Hey, next time I am going to do this with a cute weather girl so we can do some happy chatting about now–but since I am alone, I can’t do any vacuous chatting so I am just going to stop.
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