John Y’s Musings from the Middle: How to Stay Relevant…When You’re Not

How to stay relevant even when you’re not.

Oh come on. You’ve wondered this too. It’s like trying to avoid excessive amounts of cellulite on our personality or wrinkles on our reputation. And, yes, it matters.

I saw this news release on my feed this morning:

Forbes listing of the “Most Powerful Celebrities” in the world.

I had no interest to read the article. We all have a pretty good idea of who the “most powerful celebrities” are.

Obviously,  Oprah tops the list. And it’s fair to assume Lady Gaga, Madonna and Justin Bieber are all in the mix near the top.

OK. Yawn.

But what about a list of “The Least Powerful Celebrities” in the world?

That would pique my interest. Maybe it’s age; maybe practicality or maybe fear. But increasingly I’m more interested with the secrets of maintaining my status as my skills and energy levels decline.

I would be interested to know how some celebrities have found ways to succeed at remaining celebrities while being on the brink of irrelevancy and without any apparent influence.

I know that doesn’t sound like the most exciting late night infomercial pitch.

Or does it?

Think about it….

“Have you spent your career trying to establish yourself in some area and finally broken through? But now see age and agism start you on the downhill course toward obscurity and professional oblivion? What can you learn from Cuba Gooding, Vanilla Ice, Kato Kalin and Nik Wallenda? The surprising answer is “More than you might think.” What are their secrets to staying in the public mind despite nearly half the public believing they “may have died” several years ago? What is it that they do to differentiate themselves from those who have already transitioned to merely “former celebrities” with no power? How do they successfully get invited to appear on QVC and Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice show while their less savvy borderline celebrity peers phase out of the public mind?

Now that is a pitch that I’d be interested in hearing more about. And be willing to buy the book, CDs and DVD set.

Operators are standing by.


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