John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Getting Your “Cool On” in Middle Age

If you are middle-aged and want to get your “Cool on,” here’s an idea.

The other night while hanging out in the Electronics section of Wal-Mart—just minding the business of my own bad self— I was bombarded by a Wal-Mart promotional adloop featuring “Mr Worldwide.”

I felt foolish not knowing who Mr Worldwide is and could tell by his demeanor and confident speech that I should have heard of him.

I tried Googling him on my iPhone but can’t read the small text–but could tell from the search returns Mr Worldwide was important, cool and goes by the more traditional name “Pitbull.”

He grows on you.

After about the 20th loop you start thinking to yourself, “He’s not as irritating as I thought during the first 10 loops and I don’t think he’d hurt me–so maybe he’s a gansta-type I can pretend knowing about and it would up my cool status and not be too outrageous.

So I want to get the word out to other midsters  who– may be like me and not have heard of Mr Worldwide (aka Pitbull)– that he exists and we need to know about him if we hope to stay relevant to the younger generation.

If you want to know more about him and his bad self (his bad self, unlike mine, apparently really is bad) and don’t follow modern rap music, then get down to your loca Wal-Mart and stand in the Electronics section—near the flat screen TVs and you can learn all about him.

Heck, I feel cooler already.


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