John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Deep Reflective Personal Questions

Warning: Deep reflective personal questions can sometimes lead to an existential crisis–that moment you begin questioning the point and meaning of life and wonder if either exist for you or the world we live in.

It happened to me today.

I asked myself a ponderous question that everyone–eventually–probably wonders about themselves:

“If I were an iPhone app, what category would I be listed under? (See list below)

• Books

• Business

• Catalogs

• Education

• Entertainment

• Finance

• Food & Drink

• Games

• Health & Fitness

• Lifestyle

• Medical

• Music

• Navigation

jyb_musings• News

• Photo & Video

• Productivity

• Reference

• Social Networking

• Sports

• Travel

• Utilities

• Weather

And that’s when the existential crisis set in. There’s like over 20 iPhone categories!

And yet…..and yet…not one of them fit me.

I felt like the hole in the donut. The odd man out. The outlier. The runt. The defective toy. The ….well, you get the idea.

Does life have meaning? Is there a point to life? Even if you can’t easily imagine yourself fitting neatly into any one “life” category if you were an iPhone app?


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