John Y. Brown, III: Thanksgiving Leftovers


A Citizen’s Morning Weather and Trafffic Report (with a few more observations)

It’s quiet and cold outside. The city seems sleepy but eager (eager for something like a day of rest with a lot of good food — and a side of family time).

I only saw one car accident and it was’t really an accident. Just a flat tire. And a police car stopped to help.

There was a mid-sized car with antlers placed on the backseat windows and two men inside laughing about something that was probably nothing in particular.

A couple, probably in their 70’s, were getting gas. Both were outside the car helping pump gas and clear ice off the windshield. They appeared to be preparing for a long drive and got back on the road without incident.

The manager of the gas station seemed in an especially helpful and pleasant mood. The ATM machine inside worked fine and the pastries are fresh and taste good.

Stores are closed but hearts seem mostly open. People who normally wouldn’t speak to one another are saying hello as they pass. Hitchikers who are genuinely down on their luck are more likely to hitch a ride today.

A man parked at a Starbucks parking lot texted his wife to see if she wanted a coffee and she texted back that she was already in line at another Starbucks and could get him a coffee and meet him at home. He texted her back thanking her and added a capital “L” at the end of his text for “love.” And so did she.

All in all, it is a pretty good morning for a Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving is an under-achiever as holidays go.

Halloween has costumes and all the candy you can eat. Easter has a magic bunny who travels the world leaving gift baskets for children. Heck, even Groundhog Day has Punxsutawney Phil who predicts future weather for the country.

Thanksgiving doesn’t offer up a magic turkey with a name like Phil or provide gift baskets with bunny shaped candy. We don’t even get to dress up in funny costumes.

For Thanksgiving we just dress in our nice cloths, spend time with family and give thanks for all the abudance we have in our lives.

That just doesn’t seem like enough. But maybe somehow in a weird way it really is. If we have the right attitude. And a turkey.


Starbucks new holiday special “Turkey and Gravy Latte” is surprisingly good.


Thanksgiving Dating Tips

27 years ago this week Rebecca and I had been dating for just over 6 months and Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

We were having dinner at a nice restaurant in Lexington and Rebecca told me one of the things she liked about dating me was going to nicer restaurants. She said with other guys she had dated every meal she ordered came with french fries.

I took that as a compliment and talked about how the Dinner Card I had bought was a good deal and then Rebecca segued into a new topic.

“So, do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?”

I answered reflexively, ” Yeah. Probably just the usual — go to my grandmother’s in Central City on Thursday and my Dad’s in Lexington on Friday. How about you? Any big Thanksgiving plans?”

Rebecca looked down and mumbled, “Nothing big. That’s for sure.” She stabbed hard at her entree before adding, “Just the usual, too, I guess.”

“What’s wrong? Do you not like your dinner?” I asked.

“It’s fine.” Rebecca answered.

“You want some of mine?” I offered. ” You sure something isn’t wrong with your dinner?”

Rebecca paused and explained, “My friends are having Thanksgiving together with their boyfriends.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed. “Are we at a point in our relationship where we are supposed to go to Thanksgiving dinners together? I didn’t know. I have never had a serious girlfriend for this long.”

Rebecca said, “I don’t know. I guess it depends on how serious they are.”

“Well, come on then! Go with me. Or I can go with you. Or whatever or however it is supposed to be done. Was just totally over my head. I didn’t know about the Thanksgiving dating rules but now that I do I want to get it right for sure!”

Rebecca said OK and her dinner seemed to taste a lot better after that.

And I learned a valuable dating lesson and my future wife learned to give an absent-minded boyfriend the benefit of the doubt when you really are convinced your absent-minded boyfriend is a good guy but genuinely clueless.

I am a very lucky man. And I am inviting Rebecca again this year –for the 27th year in a row– to spend Thanksgiving with me. And our family.


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