The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Fashion

Politics of Fashion

BREAKING NEWS: Are men taking over the luxury fashion world?               [The Cut]

Be one of the first to preview the new Dior Inspiration book:   [The Cut]

Check out this awesome holiday gift guide for that special man in your life!   [Fashionista]

How much does it cost to access the Vogue Archive? I’ll take $1500, Alex!   [Racked]

Be one of the first to preview the new Dior Inspiration book!   [The Cut]

The RP: Make Congress Work! A No Labels Action Plan

Even in this winter of our political discontent and disunity, Americans are passionately united around a simple idea:

We’re fed up with politics.

And we want our government to work again.

That’s why as part of my second act as a recovering politician, I helped to co-found No Labels, a national grassroots movement, now involving nearly 200,000 citizens: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. We represent a broad diversity of ideologies, but we all believe that it’s critical to put aside our labels on occasion and do what’s best for our country.

Fundamentally, we recognize that there are common sense solutions to the seemingly intractable policy issues that plague our body politic — from the economy to the environment; from immigration to education.  But as a result of hyperpartisan warfare, our government is polarized and paralyzed — seemingly incapable of solving the nation’s very real problems.

Over the past year, No Labels’ citizens network, with representatives from every congressional district, have worked to develop reform ideas to help rebuild our democracy.

And today, we’re announcing a concrete plan of action to Make Congress Work — a package with a dozen substantive proposals, most of which don’t require the passage of new legislation, or any new spending.  There’s no partisan advantage to be gained, no special interest break to secure.  Instead, the Make Congress Work plan includes simple, straightforward proposals to break the gridlock in Washington, reduce hyper-partisanship, and promote constructive dialogue and bipartisan action in order to deal with the nation’s toughest problems.

Click here to read the full Make Congress Work action plan. Our twelve proposals are summarized below:

  1. No Budget, No Pay: Congress has passed its spending bills on time only 4 times since 1952.  Recent failures to pass a timely budget led to significant disruptions of public services. No Labels believes that if Congress can’t make spending and budget decisions on time, they shouldn’t get paid.
  2. Up or Down Votes on Presidential Appointments: As of late 2011, more than 200 presidentially appointed positions remain unfilled, as senators of both parties have held up nominations, sometimes for trivial reasons. No Labels believes that all presidential nominations should be confirmed or rejected within 90 days of the nomination being received by the Senate.
  3. Filibuster Reform: In its first 50 years, the filibuster was used only 35 times — in only the most extraordinary circusmtances. Over the last two years alone, the filibuster was employed over 100 times — often with merely a quick announcement —  as a partisan means to disrupt majority rule. No Labels believes that if Senators want to filibuster, they must take to the floor and hold it through sustained debate.  We also believe that filibusters never should be permitted to prevent floor debate, as they are paradoxically now.
  4. Empower the Sensible Majority: Often times, congressional leaders halt popular legislation from reaching the floor to protect partisan advantages.  No Labels believes that every Congressman should have the ability to anonymously sign discharge petitions to enable bills to go to the floor for a vote.  If a majority signs the petition, the names would be released publicly, and the bill could be voted up or down.
  5. Make Members Come to Work: In 2012, the U.S. House has scheduled only two weeks when it will be in session for all five days. No Labels believes that Congress should put in a five-day work week like the rest of us — with three weeks in DC, and then one week back home with their constituents.
  6. Question Time for the President: In January 2010, President Obama attended a House GOP retreat to debate health care publicly.  We haven’t seen anything like it, before or since.  No Labels believes we should follow the example of the British Parliament and schedule regular, nationally-televised question time for the President and Congress.
  7. Fiscal Report to Congress — Hear It. Read It. Sign It: One of the greatest obstacles to fixing our economy is that we can’t agree on a method for calculating the balance sheet.  No Labels believes that Congress and the President should work off the same set of numbers, and that a nonpartisan leader — such as the Comptroller General — should deliver an annual televised fiscal update, in-person, to a joint session of Congress.
  8. No Pledge But the Oath of Office: 238 House members have signed a pledge to never raise taxes. Another 110 have signed a pledge to never cut Social Security benefits. That’s 80% of Congress refusing to consider compromise on two of the nation’s biggest budget issues. No Labels believes that Members should make no pledge but the pledge of allegiance to the flag and their formal oath of office.
  9. Monthly Bipartisan Gatherings: While there always has been partisanship, there recently was a time when members of Congress nurtured relationships with colleagues on the other side of the aisle. Today, they are more likely to glare at each other from their partisan encampments.  No Labels believes that the House and Senate should undertake monthly bipartisan gatherings, private and off-the-record, bringing in objective experts to brief them on policy issues.
  10. Bipartisan Seating: During President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union speech, some Members of Congress left their partisan bunkers to sit next to someone from another party. While not an enormous policy step, it was a powerful symbol of civility and comity. No Labels believes that all joint meetings of Congress should have mixed partisan seating, and committees should arrange seating to promote bipartisanship.
  11. Bipartisan Leadership Committee: While ideologically polar opposites, President Ronald Reagan and House Speaker Tip O’Neill met regularly, had a cordial relationship, and worked together to make headway on major issues such as entitlement and tax reform.  Now, every meeting in DC seems like a partisan pep rally.  No Labels believes that Congress should form a bipartisan congressional leadership committee to serve as a forum for discussing both legislation and substantive policy solutions.  The committee would meet weekly, and then monthly with the President.
  12. No Negative Campaigns Against Incumbents: Just a few decades ago, informal custom prevented one party leader from campaigning against a leader of the other party.  This practice now has devolved into a cycle of conspiracy and retribution.  No Labels believes that incumbents from one party should not conduct negative campaigns against sitting members of the opposing party — no appearances in attack ads or direct mailings, and no traveling to play partisan attack dog.

More than a dozen current and former Members of Congress are joining us today to announce our action plan. And throughout 2012, No Labels will conduct an intensive campaign to mobilize one million Americans behind our efforts to Make Congress Work. Our goal is simple: To see most, if not all, of these reforms adopted when Congress convenes in January 2013.

This is our movement’s first step.  But it’s a big one.

If you too are tired of our poisoned political system, click here to become part of the solution, part of the first-of-a-kind grassroots movement to reform Congress from within.

The time to act is now.  Will you join us?

Together, we can Make Congress Work again.  Together, we can help restore history’s greatest democracy to its rightful perch, as a light unto the nations.

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Pigskin

The Politics of Pigskin

Here are the numbers for playoff odds before the games from this weekend. Unfortunately, the new numbers have not been calculated yet, but these should give you an idea of where you favorite team stands. [Football Outsiders]

Here is the Week 14 edition MMQB. Of course, the first topic of many is Timothy R. Tebow. [Sports Illustrated]

Todd Haley is officially out as the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. Romeo Crennel takes over in the interim. [Yahoo! Sports]

The winner of the Heisman trophy was announced last night. The award went to Baylor QB Robert Griffin III. Now the question becomes where the newly crowned Heisman recipient fall on the 2012 draft boards? Can he beat out Stanford QB Andrew Luck? [CBS Sports]

If you haven’t done it yet, now is a fine time to vote for you favorite players for the 2012 Pro Bowl. []

A bit of a bummer is the news that rookie phenom DeMarco Murray has a broken ankle and will miss the rest of the season. Tough luck for a kid who was looking to make a late run at Rookie of the Year. [ESPN]

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Faith

The Politics of Faith

Here’s a video starring Jesus, addressing Rick Perry’s campaign ads. [FunnyOrDie]

Controversy ensues after home improvement store Lowe’s pulled its commercials from the reality television show “All-American Muslim.” [Entertainment Weekly]

Mary, mother of Jesus–the first punk rocker? [Patheos]

Skinny jeans are scandalous in some Mormons communities. [Religion Dispatches]

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems– The Politics of the States

In New York, Assembly Minority Leader is saying nothing about his recent meeting with Governor Andrew Cuomo, but it is an improvement over the partisan bickering that New York has suffered through in recent years.

It’s hard to say if this is good or bad. New York’s Assembly Minority Leader, Brian Kolb, a Syracuse area Republican, and Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo are keeping their lips sealed about a recent meeting. On the one hand, secretiveness in government is never a good thing, but Kolb and Cuomo are specifically refraining from trashing each other over the rather contentious matter of whether Assembly Republicans will be joining their Democratic colleagues for an extra session later this month, so that has to be worth something. [Albany Times Union]

In a win for civility, if not for bipartisanship, Lenny Curry, chairman of the Florida Republican Party, has called for an end to personal attacks in that party’s Senate primary race this year and next. Attacks have been brutal, especially since US Representative Connie Mack entered the race and became an automatic frontrunner based on name recognition alone. To be fair, Curry uses some rather strong language against incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson, but his plea for civility in the primary is nevertheless a step in the right direction. [St. Petersburg Times]

Because they apparently ran out of things to fight over, the Wisconsins State Legislature is up in arms over which party is more fiscally responsible when it comes to new train facilities in Milwaukee. Although high-speed rail was shot down last year, improvements still need to be made, in particular for the Hiawatha line between Chicago and Milwaukee. The brouhaha, which was set off by a no-bid contract awarded under previous governor Jim Doyle, a Democrat, is particularly pointless insofar as train spending in Wisconsin is dwarfed 40-fold by its road and highway expenditures. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Leading the country in Potemkin bipartisanship this week is Ohio, whose House of Representatives last Wednesday passed a bill that would ban the use of public funds for political purposes, after the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority did just that in 2007. The bill passed 90-2, but House Republicans shot down an amendment that would allow the recall of public officials. [Columbus Dispatch]

The California Supreme Court is expediting its decision on whether and how to implement new State Senate maps, with a ruling expected by the end of January. It is hoped that by speeding along this ruling, the Court will be able to end the long partisan nightmare that has only exacerbated California’s already deeply-divided political world. [Sacramento Bee]

Jeff Smith: Is the Romney Attack on Gingrich Effective?

Mitt is like the perfectly-behaved boy with straight As who’s taken the cheerleader on dates every weekend for a year and can’t close the deal, and now the roguish drop-out has swooped in and gained traction despite the urgings of the cheerleader’s parents (i.e., the Republican establishment) to beware.

How can she not realize what a huge mistake she’s making?? This guy is a total dead-ender! I just got admitted to Harvard, and this guy’s got no future….It’s plain as day! How can she not see it?

Mitt has spent the last few weeks trying unsuccessfully to conspire with her parents and it’s backfired – because the more a 17-year-old girl’s parents like a guy, the less she will. Just like tea partiers and the Republican establishment.

With the president’s approval ratings in the low 40s, these voters are feeling their oats. They want to take a walk on the wild side! 

So now young Mitt, usually so cool and collected, is getting desperate. This ad is his most direct attempt yet to show the cheerleader the error of her ways. And I suspect that Republican voters, like the cheerleader, aren’t going to listen to reason. They’re going to have to learn this lesson for themselves.

(Cross-posted, with author’s permission, from Politico’s Arena)

The RP: Anti-Christian Fervor Consumes Kentucky (No, This isn’t a “War on X-mas” Article)

As the author of a book on the role of faith and public policy and — perhaps more significantly — a religious minority (Jewish) who grew up and lives in the Bible Belt, I’m particularly sensitive to any implication of religious bias and discrimination in my home state of Kentucky.

Indeed, I’ve used this very forum to bemoan anti-Hindu attacks leveled by a gubernatorial candidate, call out anti-Semitic slurs ejaculated by a prominent GOP official, and celebrate the recent emergence of prominent Jew-ish Gentiles in American pop culture.

That’s why I’m especially concerned about the possible outbreak of anti-Christian pandemonium in the wake of a disturbing event Saturday night that rocked the Bluegrass faithful.

Some quick background:  I’m often asked how a Jewish pischer like me could get elected to office in a place like Kentucky. My reply is that there is only one organized religion in my home state, and that’s University of Kentucky basketball.

Each fall, people in every corner of the Commonwealth (except discrete subdivisions of Louisville) join together in spiritual reverie to cherish the flagship state university’s roundballers. By March, the devotional frenzy reaches the point of, yes, madness, as the Wildcats inevitably surge deep into the NCAA tourney.

But precisely twenty seasons ago, Kentucky’s hopes for championship salvation were cruelly and iniquitously sabotaged by a Devil named Christian.

Read the rest of…
The RP: Anti-Christian Fervor Consumes Kentucky (No, This isn’t a “War on X-mas” Article)

Official Rules of the JYB3/RP Fitness Challenge

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Wealth

The Politics of Wealth



The 400 Richest Americans list has been released. [Forbes]

Former U.S. Senator/New Jersey Governor/MF Global CEO Jon Corzine is shocked that his investors’ money cannot be found. [Los Angeles Times]

What would a Bill Gates comeback at Microsoft look like? [Fortune]

European Central Bank dashes hope for bolder action. [New York Times]

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of the Planet

It wasn’t as hot of a year as 2010, but 2011 may be known as the year of extreme weather. []

In California scientists are looking at a new solution to offset greenhouse gases; carbon farming. []

New laws in Brazil make it easier to cut down the rainforest and will make it almost impossible for Brazil to reach their emissions targets. []

God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs…  Scientists are trying to clone a Wooly Mammoth. []

An endangered crocodile finds sanctuary near a nuclear power plant. []

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