The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Internet, is accusing the British government of extreme levels of snooping. [Telegraph]

Cosmo, the online alias of a 15 year-old hacker (one of the most notorious) has been arrested. Wired has a fantastic write up about his personal life and arrest. [Wired]

Samsung and HTC are doing their best to insure that the iPhone 5 does not have a smooth launch. They are currently blocking sales in the US and Europe with LTE patents. [AndroidandMe]

The FCC has informed mobile companies that it will begin monitoring claims of wireless broadband speeds. This is good news for anyone that has ever felt like their 3G wasn’t as fast as they expected it to be. [BGR]

The astronauts aboard the International Space Station repaired a malfunction in its Main Bus Switching Unit with a clever combination of materials including a toothbrush. Yes, really. [The Atlantic]


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