The Politics of Tech
Wikileaks reveals US government spy network “TrapWire” and is subsequently smacked down by DDOS attacks. [io9]
How many times have you read all the way through a Terms of Service agreement before click “I accept” on the Internet? Probably very few. There is a new project on the way that would change things. [TechCrunch]
“Samsung: Whether or not we ripped off Apple’s tech, Apple stole it to begin with” — Provides video evidence of a tablet built by Mitsubishi to show that Apple’s patent on pinch-to-zoom technology should not be valid because it already existed for years before the first iPhone launched. [BGR]
German government officials are claiming that Facebook is maintaining a database of facial recognition and are demanding they erase it. [ars technica]
Scientists have invented particles that will keep you alive even if you can’t breathe. [Gizmodo]
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