The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

After the lengthy fundraising by Wikipedia, characterized by the personal appeal from Jimmy Wales, they ended up raising $20 million. [Venture Beat]

A Dehli, India court has ordered 22 social-networking sites to remove all “anit-religious” and “anti-social” material contained on them in 90 days. The most notable websites listed are Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Yahoo. [Hindustan Times]

Internet Explorer use continues to slide as it loses more and more of the market share it once dominated. It is predicted that by March Microsoft’s internet browser could fall below a 50% market share. [Computerworld]

In the wide world of censorship – it is now illegal for citizens of the Republic of Belarus to access foreign websites. [The Next Web]

For hackers, what is the best way to combat censorship in America? Could it be to launch their own satellites? [PC World]


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