The Politics of Tech
An Android app developer named Trevor Eckhart has offered what he believes to be conclusive proof that millions of smartphones are monitoring key presses and other information. If true, this is certainly a bombshell. [The Register]
NBC Universal is certainly in favor of SOPA. [Techdirt]
Elvis Costello to fans: my label is gouging you on my new box set; don’t buy it. Buy Louis Armstrong music instead, and download my stuff by “unconventional means.” [Elvis Costello]
The smallest V12 engine in the world. Amazing! [YouTube]
The NYPD is using a new piece of tech called the Panoscan to review crime scenes. Warning: some graphic crime scene images in the link. [NY Times]
Here’s a cool story about a DSLR camera that was lost at sea for over a year until it was found washed up on a beach. The finder used Google+ to post recovered pictures and locate the original owner. [Engadget]
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