The Politics of Tech
Could the Blacklist Bill effectively kill user-generated content on the Internet? If so, would Twitter, Youtube, and similar sites die? [Demand Progress]
There is also the Stop Online Piracy Act, as “Congress has declared war on the Internet.” [gigaom]
One more – this one is called the E-PARASITES Act (renamed from the PROTECT IP Act). Ugh. [Tech Dirt]
There is a White House petition to stop the E-PARASITE Act. Check it out and sign it if you agree with its goal. []
Google was asked by a U.S. law enforcement agency to remove a video of police brutality from its search results. Google refused. Put one in the win column for the good guys. [Huffington Post]
On a lighter note – Heads-up navigation display for cars. Yes please! [PHYSORG]
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