The Politics of Tech
If you are interested in science and technology, but don’t know who Jamie Hyneman is, I don’t know where you have been. He is the co-host of the hugely successful Discovery channel show Mythbusters and an excellent ambassador for science and education. And now he has been contacted by the US military to work with them on developing armor for military use. Cool stuff. [Discovery News]
Now that Spring has sprung we are all ready to do some cleaning around the house. Make sure you remember that your PC requires basic cleaning from time to time as well. Many people feel intimidated when it comes to opening up your case and tidying things up, but Gizmodo has a nice post to guide you through it. [Gizmodo]
Comcast has just announced that they will now offer a 105 Mbps internet connection, for a price. If you are willing to pay $1 for each Mbps ($105 per month) then you can enjoy one of the fastest connections around. Let me know in the comments section if this is something that would interest you. [Engadget]
Pres. Obama needs a “cool phone.” Apparently the Oval Office is sorely lacking in the technology department. I have heard before that the White House lags behind many other official buildings in cutting edge technology. Why is this? [TechCrunch]
The Nintendo Wii has enjoyed amazing sales numbers during its lifetime. However, it has, for years, lacked one of the main selling points of its competitors: the Xbox 360 and the PS3, high-definition. However, it is being reported that Nintendo will unveil an HD console at this year’s E3 conference. Definitely something to watch for. [ars technica]
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