The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Swing

The Politics of Swing

Here’s what more than a billion people know and you don’t: India just won the World Cup in cricket. You think the NCAA tournament is a distraction? [NYTimes]

Okay, then! Now I know we all (recovering politicians, especially) feel better. Thanks, Dan! [ProGolf Talk]

Much ado about nothing? Or poor sportsmanship vs. questionable parenting? Either way, we’re sure there’s more than one campaigner that would have loved to have done this rather than kiss that baby. [The Spin]

The RP loves sports movies. In case you missed it in theatres, this film should have won the Oscar. Agree? Well, DO YOU?!? [Amazon]

The Politics of Swing could show a clip from Caddyshack every week. One of our favorites: [Wisdom Shared]

Finally, a piece about another swing sport you know nothing about (unless you live in Florida or are a member of ETA) [Jackass Jai Alai]


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