The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of the Media

The Politics of the Media

Time Magazine lists the 140 best Twitter feeds, including a special section on politicians. #awesome [Time Magazine]

According to this year’s Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index Map, the happiest American is “a tall, Asian-American, observant Jew who is at least 65 and married, has children, lives in Hawaii, runs his own business and has a household income of more than $120,000 a year.” And the New York Times actually found him. [New York Times]

The Poynter Center evaluates stereotyping and bias in media coverage of the devastation in Japan. [The Poynter Institute]

How do newspapers make money when all their content is free online? Arthur Brisbane, public editor for the New York Times, explains the paper’s decision to charge for online content. [New York Times]

Media humor: Reporters shouldn’t try everything they cover. [Youtube]


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