The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Recovery

NPR’s news blog posts a horrifying first-person account of being in Joplin, Missouri during the deadly tornado. As of Monday night, 116 people were killed in the storm. [NPR]

The New York Times profiles GLBT teens as they come out to their friends and family. [NY Times]

Even though the United States is on its way out of the economic recession, Americans still aren’t taking vacations. According to CNN, relaxing is just not in our DNA. [CNN]

In other economic news, small businesses still aren’t hiring full-time staffs as rapidly as they were before the recession. [Newsweek]

Luckily for us, we weren’t wiped off the face of the planet on Saturday. In celebration of surviving The Rapture, check out this photo gallery of Hollywood depictions of the apocalypse. [Time]


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