The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Pigskin

The Politics of Pigskin

The NFL and its referees (currently on strike) were almost able to reach a deal on Friday that would have allowed the normal refs to work all the regular season games. However, once that deal was struck down by the NFL Referees Association the NFL, teams, players, and fans face the prospect of starting the season with replacement refs that were none too impressive during the preseason. [Yahoo! Sports]

Here are ESPN’s expert’s Superbowl picks. [ESPN]

Here is Peter King’s season preview for SI. On the first page you can also find links to the rest of SI’s NFL coverage. [Sports Illustrated]

Pigskin and Politics collide this week when the Panthers will be forced to practice in Florida due to the Democratic National Convention being held in Charlotte. [ESPN]

This actually happened a while back, but it’s worth mentioning. Ray Rice took to Facebook back in July to make some classy and respectable posts on Facebook about bullying. Good on you, Rice. [picture]

Here’s a nice chart for those of you interested in keeping track of wins and losses once the season starts! [picture]

All of your favorite Recovering Politicians and writers will be having some fun playing Fantasy Football this season. Check out this post every week and I’ll keep you abreast of the results!


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