The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Music

The Politics of Music

Incubus has a new album out.  If you are a bigger fan of their soft, mellow, Morning View-esque albums, this new disc is probably right up your alley.  Here  is their first video[If Not Now, When?]

Beyonce‘s new album has been out for awhile now.  It took me a while to try it out, but I really enjoy it.  It’s super funky and fun.  The  best part?  Andre3000 raps on a song.  The things I would do for a new Outkast album are unspeakable. [Party]

Did you like the NBC show The Voice?  If so, was Blake Shelton part of the reason why?  If not, do you  like Blake Shelton anyway?  If you answered yes to any above questions, you ought to check out the new Blake Shelton album.  Here is the first video. [Honey Bee]

The mellow songstress Colbie Callat is back with a new disc.  In this song from the album, she talks about her desire to get married.  [I Do]

New Sub Pop darlings Washed Out have released their first full length album.  Its all synthy and weird, like a good Sub Pop  album should be. [Eyes Be Closed]


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