The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Faith

The seagull sitting on top of the Sistine Chapel has become an unlikely celebrity during the ongoing Papal Conclave.

We’ve moved into the second day of voting for a new Pope in Rome. If you’re looking for a last-minute primer on the process, here are some good places to start.

– An American Pope? There are two possible contenders (both, admittedly, longshots): Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston. Cardinal Dolan is already a fairly public figure, gaining attention as the media-savvy leader of the country’s largest diocese–last fall, he appeared alongside comedian Stephen Colbert in an event at New York’s Fordham University. (Go Rams!) Cardinal O’Malley has received less attention, but has his own interesting story: his communication, Terrence Donilon, is the younger brother of National Security Advisor Tom Donilon (his second brother, Michael, is an aideto Vice President Joe Biden). Though unlikely,  the prospect of the Donilons working for the most powerful political and religious leaders is certainly an interesting one.

– Cardinals Dolan and O’Malley aren’t the only possibilities for Pope, of course. NBC News has a good overview of just about everyone who’s received pre-conclave buzz.

– Something to stump your friends with on Obscure Trivia Night (which may or may not exist outside of my immediate family): While multiple Cardinals, most notably Ghana’s Peter Turkson, have been talked up as a potential first African Pope, that title in fact belongs to Pope Victor I, who was the Bishop of Rome from 189

– In case you ever wanted to know what it’s like to partake in the Papal Conclave (don’t lie; you know you have), CNN will tell you. (Hint: It’s actually not all that intriguing.)

– Rome is between 5 and 8 hours ahead of the US (more if you don’t live in the Lower 48), so the new Pope may well be selected while you’re in bed. If that happens, you can count on the Pope Alarm to let you know when the white smoke rises out of the Sistine Chapel.


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