The RP: I Was Never a John Edwards Fan, But I’m Rooting for Him Now

John Edwards’ indictment last week is an issue that will occupy the blogosphere and the political chattering class for months.

And it’s one to which we will be devoting considerable attention here at The Recovering Politician

For the Edwards affair touches on a significant number of issues that are of primary concern and interest to our contributors and our readership:  the privacy rights of public figures; the criminalization of politics; the special responsibilities of our state and national leaders.

My take on the issue is fairly simple.  While I have never been much of a fan or supporter of Edwards, and while I find the cover-up scheme for which he was charged to be reckless, irresponsible, and farcical; I oppose his prosecution, and I am hoping that he will escape criminal punishment.

I published an essay on my views in today’s Huffington Post.  Here is an excerpt:

I really wanted to like John Edwards. I just couldn’t help myself.

From the time of his first presidential bid, Edwards’ focus on poverty reduction and his sublimely poetic identification of “two Americas” perfectly captured my own communitarian vision of politics and public service.

But I couldn’t support him. There was just something about him.

I wish I could say it was because I suspected the arrogance and recklessness that led him to risk the Democratic Party’s fortunes – indeed, the fate of the country — on an implausible scheme to cover-up the paternity of his child. But I wasn’t that insightful.

Only recently, upon reflecting on my own political career, did I understand what it was.

To read my complete essay, please click here.

And please stay tuned to The Recovering Politician for a wide variety of different opinions on the Edwards scandal.


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