Press from No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work


Read this article by Ron Fournier in theNational Journal about a dinner he attended with some of the Problem Solvers.

Read this column by Joe Klein inTIME about how No Labels is helping him to feel a little bit of hope again.

Read this article in the National Journal about a political “revolution brewing” due to No Labels’ efforts.

Read this article in theAssociated Press about the excitement and optimism that emerged from Members of Congress out of the Meeting to Make America Work.

Read an Op-Ed from Bill Galston inPOLITICO on why a Clintonian helped found No Labels

Read an Op-Ed from Sen. Joe Manchin and Gov. Jon Huntsman in The Washington Post on why they believe in the importance of No Labels

Read this article inThe New York Times about a group of No Labels lawmakers who are ready to buck the trend of gridlock.

Read this article in theNational Journal about the new leaders of No Labels, and why it shouldn’t be labeled a Kumbaya Caucus.

Read this story inThe Wall Street Journal that asks if No Labels can help lawmakers to ‘get along.’

Read this article inThe Huffington Post about how each of the No Labels national leaders decided get on board.

Read this article inThe Wall Street Journal about some of the measures No Labels has outlined in Make Congress Work.

Watch CNN’s ‘Starting Point’ interview with Joe Manchin and Jon Hunstman live from the New York “Meeting To Make America Work”.

Watch Sen. Joe Manchin and Gov. Jon Huntsman discuss the Meeting to Make America Work on State of the Union with Candy Crowley.

Watch Sen. Joe Manchin and Gov. Jon Huntsman discuss their experiences with bi-partisanship on This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

Read Rebekah Metzler in U.S. News and World Report noting widespread youth enthusiasm at the No Labels New York launch meeting.

Watch this clip fromMorning Joe, where Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), former Governor Jon Huntsman (R-UT) and Co-Founder Mark McKinnon discuss an identity crisis within the Republican party.

Watch Ron Shaich, Co-Founder & CEO, Panera Bread’s interview on No Label’s pro-business agenda with Fox’s Neil Cavuto Business Report

Watch James Himes (D, CT) on Bloomberg Television as he explains how No Labels makes a difference in helping Congress to stop gridlock (segment at close of fiscal cliff intro).

Watch this interview onHuffPost Live between Abby Huntsman, Mayor Cory Booker and her father, Jon Huntsman, about No Labels.

Watch CNN’s ‘Newsroom’ covering “Meeting to Make America Work” highlighting Problem Solvers Bloc and Jon Huntsman and Joe Manchin.

Read this article by Rachel Cromidas inThe Wall Street Journal about the means by which the Problem Solvers hope to change Congress.

Read Martha Moore in USA Today observing that No Labels’ Problem Solvers Bloc is a new political force.

Watch John Avlon, No-Labels Co-Founder, on CNN’s Out Front With Erin Barnett discussing how the new No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc will address overcoming gridlock.

Read Joy Resmovits ofHuffington Post covering the Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this editorial in The Pantagraph urging No Labels as a good start toward restoration of our government.

Read this article inU.S. News & World Report explaining the ideas behind the Problem Solvers in Congress and No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this editorial inThe Intelligencer Journal, which says that No Labels’ ideas make sense and that it hopes that we are tested further in the future.

Watch this clip fromJansing & Co. showing an interview with Joe Manchin as he explains some of the ideas behind No Labels.

Read this article by Jennifer Harper in The Washington Times about John Huntsman and his participation at the No Labels meeting in Manhattan,New York.

Watch Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) speak on the House floor about the point of the Problem Solvers and urging his colleagues to join.

Watch CSPAN highlights of Janice Hahn’s House Floor address calling for a problem solver’s approach in Congress (via YouTube).

Read this editorial from The Frederick News Post saying that No Labels has “great potential.”

Read Ruby Cramer of Buzz Feed analyzing No Labels leader Jon Huntsman’s perspectives on environmental protection.

Watch this clip from Morning Joe, where Co-Founder Mark McKinnon says that Mayor Cory Booker “was No Labels before No Labels was cool.”

Watch this clip from Morning Joe, where Joe Scarborough says that No Labels is “very important.”

Watch this short clip of Mark McKinnon, co-founder of No Labels, on CNN’s Early Start.

Read this column by Sen. Joe Manchin in The Fayette Tribune explaining why he is co-chairing the Problem Solvers in Congress.

Read this article by Mannix Porterfield in The Register-Herald about Joe Manchin’s optimism about working with No Labels.

Read this article by Joy Removitz in The Huffington Post suggesting that education-focused legislators should join the Problem Solvers.

Read this article in The Jamestown Press covering Rep. David Cicilline’s remarks on the House floor about the Problem Solvers.

Read the Los Angeles Daily News editorial noting Janice Hahn (D,CA) is the only California representative participating with No Labels and calling for more participation from both sides of the aisle.

Listen to Jerry Doyle, nationally syndicated radio host, WPGB-FM, noting that No Labels is finally a group dedicated to positive action and reform as called for by his listeners.

Watch Washington, D.C.’s News Channel 8 report on why Senator Angus King (I, ME) embraced No Labels and problem solving.

Read this article in The Salt Lake City Tribune about the continued growth of No Labels.

Read this article from The Morning Call featuring hometown Congressman Charlie Dent.

Read Joanna Slater of Canada’s Globe & Mail on how the No Labels Problem Solvers bloc focuses on moving beyond partisan bickering to find effective solutions.

Read Eddie Scarry, of Fishbowl DC, on No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc leaders John Huntsman and Sen. Joe Manchin’s inconic ‘best friends’ photo on the way to “Meeting to Make America Work”.

Read this blog post by the League of Women Voters about why they are forming a partnership with No Labels.

Read Colby Itkowitz of the The Morning Call on why Charlie Dent (R, PA) believes No Labels will fight gridlock.

Listen to this interview with Michael Grimm on Geraldo about his decision to join the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from KSAS reporting on the unveiling of the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from Northwest Cable News of an interview of Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) about No Labels and his involvement in the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from WUSA of an interview of Rep. Scott Rigell (R-VA) about No Labels and the Meeting to Make America Work.

Listen to this clip from KTRS-AM of an interview with Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) about his involvement with the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from WTTG of an interview of Rep. Scott Rigell about No Labels and the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from WTXF of an interview with Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) and Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA)  explaining the ideas behind No Labels.

Read how WTVF (TN) covers No Labels’ designation of Jim Cooper (D, TN) as the No Labels ‘Problem Solver of the Week’

Watch this clip from KNXV of an interview with Co-Founder Bill Galston about No Labels.

Watch this clip from WRAZ of an interview with Rep. Scott Rigell and Co-Founder Kiki McLean about the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from KOIN of an interview with Rep. Kurt Schrader where he discussed No Labels and the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from KTBC reporting on the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from WKFX reporting on No Labels.

Listen to this clip from KMOX reporting on No Labels.

Watch this clip from KTVX reporting on Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Listen to this clip from NPR covering the Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch this clip from KETK covering Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Watch this clip from KUSI reporting on the unveiling of the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from KIFI reporting on No Labels.

Watch this clip from KIFI reporting on Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Watch this clip from WCFT reporting on No Labels.

Listen to this clip from KLIV-AM reporting on No Labels’ new co-founders, former Gov. Jon Huntsman and Senator Joe Manchin.

Watch this clip from WCHS reporting on Sen. Joe Manchin’s involvement in No Labels.

Watch this clip from KUTV reporting on Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Watch this clip from KTBC about No Labels’ new co-founders.

Watch this clip from KTVU reporting on the unveiling of the Problem Solvers.

Watch this clip from WRAZ reporting on No Labels.

Watch this clip from KSTU reporting on Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Watch this clip from WRAZ reporting on the Meeting to Make America Work.

Listen to this clip from WQV-AM reporting on the Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch this clip from WKEF reporting on No Labels.

Watch this clip from KIDK reporting on former Governor Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Listen to this clip from WNYC covering the Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch this clip from WNEM reporting on Jon Huntsman’s involvement in No Labels.

Read this article by Guy Tridgell in the Lemont Patch about Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) joining the Problem Solvers.

Read this short article from KUTV about former Governor Jon Huntsman’s role in No Labels.

Watch how KLAS covers Sen. Dean Heller’s commitment to No Labels and ending gridlock.

Read WHBY’s report on how Reid Ribble decided that joining the No Label Problem Solver Bloc serves his constituents and congressional reform.

Read Roger Garrity of WCAX on Peter Welch’s commitment to seek common sense, practical solutions to end congressional gridlock with the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read Matt Smith of WBAY reporting on Reid Ribble and his commitment to the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read WDTV’s coverage of Joe Manchin’s leadership role with No Labels and his desire to change Washington, D.C.

Watch as Brian Mylar of KSAT explores No Labels’ co-founders Kiki McLean and Mark McKinnon’s perspectives on the new Problem Solvers Bloc.

Listen as KMOX covers No Labels launch of Problem Solvers Bloc.

Watch KXLT’s coverage of Senator Angus King’s decision to join No Labels and why he believes No Label can make a difference ending Washington gridlock.

Watch WCAX report on the No Labels New York meeting and Peter Welch’s leadership role as part of the Problem Solvers Bloc.

Listen to this interview with Rep. Jim Himes on Wall Street Journal Radio about the Problem Solvers.

Read Victoria Cram and Keegan Gibson of PoliticsPA noting the leading roles of Michael Fitzpatrick (R, PA) and Charles Dent (R, PA) in launching the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read PoliticsPA noting Charles Dent (R, PA) and Mike Fitzpatrick (R, PA) joined the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read The Bluefield Daily Telegraph (W. VA) on the relationship and friendship between No Labels leaders Joe Manchin and Jon Hunstman.

Read Jim Davis of The Exponent Telegram (W. VA) reporting that Jon Hunstman and Joe Manchin expect the Problem Solvers Bloc will change politics in Washington, D.C.

Read Nancy Remsen of the Burlington Free Press on Peter Welch’s (D, VT) decision to be a leader in the No Label’s Problem Solver’s bloc.

Listen to Bon Kinzel of Vermont Public Radio reporting on Peter Welch’s (D, VT) support for the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read Chris Kaergard of the Peoria Journal Star (Illinois) reporting that Cheri Bustos (D, IL) is reaching out to No Labels to help plan her retreats and looks forward to active participation in Washington, D.C.

Read Jess Macini of theParkersburg News & Sentinel (W. VA) reporting on the unified goals of Joe Manchin and Jon Huntsman to expand the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc and change Washington, D.C.

Read as Zack Harold of the Charleston Daily Mail (W. VA) covers Joe Manchin and Jon Hunstman’s determination to expand the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc and change polarized politics in Washington, D.C.

Read Joselyn King in the Wheeling Intelligencer as she reports on Joe Manchin’s desire to spend more time in Washington, D.C. working.

Read this blog post by Daniela Altimari in the Hartford Courant discussing Jim Himes joining the Problem Solvers.

Read Charles Owens’ report in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph on the relationship between Joe Manchin and Jon Hunstman and their ideas on how to expand the Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read Paul Nyden in The West Virginia Gazette noting Joe Manchin promotes No Labels in West Virginia.

Read Patty Murray’s coverage of Reid Ribble’s (R, WI) commitment to No Labels’ agenda of positive change and the Problem Solvers Bloc in the Superior Telegram.

Read Mackenzie Krott’s coverage of the “Meeting to Make America Work” in The Independent Voter Network blog.

Read Jennifer Mullen of explains the excitement Joe Manchin feels in helping to launch the No Labels Problem Solvers Bloc.

Read the Moderate Voice blog explaining the importance of supporting No Labels’ new Problem Solvers bloc.

Read Lloyd Nelson of Chicago’s MySuburbanLife reporting that Dan Lipinski’s (D, IL.) commitment to problem solving and No Labels.

Read this quick snippet by Matt Rumsey in Sunlight Foundation about John Huntsman and Joe Manchin becoming newly named leaders of No Labels.

Read this article in The Salt Lake Tribune about former Governor John Huntsman and Senator Joe Manchin coming together to push for bipartisanship by becoming leaders of No Labels.

Read this post from The Peoria Journal Star discussing how a strong conservative like Adam Kinzinger came to join the Problem Solvers Group.

Read this story from ABC-4 KTVX kicking off Gov. Jon Huntsman’s role as No Labels National Co-Chair.

Read this article by the National Journal detailing No Labels National Leaders promise for transparency.

Listen to WINS-AM summarize the problem solvers group and Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this story from the Syracuse Post-Standard introducing Congressman Richard Hanna to the Problem Solvers Group.

Read this post from Newser summarizing the Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this article discussing Sen. Manchin and Gov. Huntsman’s appearance on State of the Union in advance of the Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this blog-post from the Independent Voter Network about the simple, citizen-driven reforms No Labels proposes.

Read this article in the WKU Herald about two representatives from the WKU Student Government who joined No Labels during the Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this article from WCHS ABC8 announcing Sen. Joe Manchin’s co-chairmanship of No Labels.

Read this letter to the editor from The Courier Times previewing the Meeting to Make America Work.

Read this article on the WCHS Radio 58 about Senator Joe Manchin explaining why he has teamed up with No Labels.

Read this article by Tom Wrobleski in Staten Island Advance about Rep. Michael Grimm of Staten Island/Brooklyn joining No Labels.

Read this quick piece in KFIZ Radio about Congressman Reid Ribble of Sherwood joining No Labels.

Read this short snippet in the Los Angeles Wave highlighting Rep. Janice Hahn joining No Labels as a ‘problem solver’.

Read this small piece in the Salt Lake Tribune about former Governor of Utah John Huntsman and Sen. Joe Manchin teaming up with No Labels to stop the gridlock in Washington, DC.

Read this article by Paul Davis in the Providence Journal about Rep. David N. Cicilline joining No Labels as a “problem solver”.

Read this article by Rich Bosh on MSNBC about John Huntsman and Joe Manchin making their pitch at No Labels for more cooperation and bipartisan problem solving in Congress.

Read this short article on NBC 10 of Providence, Rhode Island about Sen. Manchin and former Utah Gov. Huntsman leading No Labels.

Read this article on WWVA of Bluefield, West Virginia about Sen. Manchin teaming up with former Utah Gov. John Huntsman for No Labels.

Read this letter from a concerned citizen in The Columbian describing her attitudes towards congress and excitement of No Labels.

Read this quick snippet by Bryan Schott in Utah Policy citing Jon Huntsman’s affiliation with No Labels.

Read this article by Stu Johnson in WEKU describing ‘Meeting to Make America Work’ conference hosted by No Labels in New York.

Read this article in the New England Political Journal about Jim Himes stopping tweeting about the Meeting to Make America Work.

Listen to Jonathan Miller on WTOP explaining what the Problem Solvers are.

Listen to this interview on WNYC with Jon Huntsman about his signing on as a co-chair of No Labels.

Read this column by Sen. Joe Manchin in the Coal Valley News about “country-first politics” and how No Labels helps in the achievement of it.

Watch this report on KTVX on Jon Huntsman’s role as co-chair of No Labels.

Watch this report on WFRV discussing Reid Ribble joining the Problem Solvers.

Read this article in Alaska Business Monthly discussing Mark Begich’s announcement that he has joined the Problem Solvers.

Watch this report on WFRV discussing Reid Ribble’s decision to join the Problem Solvers and No Labels’ Make Congress Work action plan.

Watch WFRV’s reporting on No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch WHSV’s coverage of Joe Manchin’s role as co-chair of No Labels.

Watch this report on KTVX on Jon Huntsman’s role as co-chair of No Labels.

Read this article about WKMS’s interview with Co-Founder Jonathan Miller about No Labels.

Watch this report on KSTU about Jon Huntsman’s role as co-chair of No Labels.

Read this PolicyMic post detailing the Problem Solvers Group

Listen to Gov. Jon Huntsman speak about a new Congressional attitude on WOKV-AM.

Read this article on PolicyMic detailing the exciting run of show during the Meeting to Make America Work.

Listen to this report in KARE about the Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch this report on WWTV about No Labels’ Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch this report on WLNE about Rep. David Cicilline joining the Problem Solvers.

Listen to this report on All News 106.7 about the Problem Solvers meeting in New York City for the Meeting to Make America Work.

Watch this report on WJMN about the Meeting to Make America Work.



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