BOMBSHELL: McConnell Campaign Manager “Holding His Nose” in Supporting Mitch

From Think Progress: released a recording of McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton talking about his current job with Dennis Fusaro of Reformed Theological Seminary. Benton, who used to work for Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), suggests he is only working on McConnell’s campaign to prepare for Rand Paul’s re-election campaign in 2016.

“Between you and me, I’m sorta holdin’ my nose for two years, cause what we’re doin’ here is gonna be a big benefit to Rand in 2016, so that’s the long vision,” he said.


From The Weekly Standard:

McConnell campaign aide Allison Moore emails a statement from Benton:

“It is truly sick that someone would record a private phone conversation I had out of kindness and use it to try to hurt me. I believe in Senator McConnell and am 100 percent committed to his re-election. Being selected to lead his campaign is one of the great honors of my life and I look forward to victory in November of 2014.”

From GOP primary challenger Matt Bevin:

From WFPL’s Phillip Bailey

From Justin Barasky, Press Secretary for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee:

UPDATE #2 7:00 PM

And now the McConnell campaign’s official response:


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