John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Got Klout?

Got Clout? I mean the other kind–with a “K”
I’m fascinated with analytics.
Not in how they work. I don’t really understand that.
But how they can be used as a tool for better assessment and prediction purposes. And, of course, better decision making.
But analytics may be the new statistics–in the sense of being a mysterious new numbers logic that because of its air of inaccessibility to lay people carries with it an air of irrefutably.
It won’t be long until some says “There are 4 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and analytics.”
OK. I guess technically speaking someone just did…but that’s beside the point.
My recent questioning of exuberant uses of analytic tools is with the website Klout. I’m sure they are on to something…but have a long way to go. True, you must find a way to measure something to fully understand it. But some things are more amendable to metrics than human relationships. Workflow processes, controlling inventory and related business tasks come to mind. How trustworthy, reliable, persuasive, likeable, etc a person is within a functional network is much harder to measure with numbers.
It’s still worth a try….but we have to realize the results are more of a fun sideshow compared to more serious analytics work.
I see it like the difference between standing on a scale for weight data versus putting on a mood ring to measure my “mood.” Sure, it’s something…but not enough to bother too much with. Otherwise eHarmony and other such metric driven dating sites would be called “marriage tools” instead of a dating tool. They may help recommend a first date…but don’t base an important decision on it.
Analytics are incredibly useful where they are truly applicable.
And by the way, Klout has so far helped me in only two measurable, concrete outcomes. It caused me to waste several hours trying to understand the new vanity meansure. And it’s provided a topic for this Facebook status update. A really useful analytics tool would have predicted that outcome in advance and saved me the trouble.  ;  )

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

“In Less Than 1 Year Verizon Data Goes from $30/Unlimited to $50/1GB” [Public Knowledge]

Here are the winners and losers from Apple’s 2012 Worldwide Developers Conference. [MSNBC]

After the announcement of the new Macbook Pro it has been named “the least repairable laptop [ever].” [ifixit]

“US judge says America’s refusal to return Megaupload users’ data is ‘outrageous'” []

We going to start seeing more and more of these: The Top 10 Failed Attempts by the Government to Control the Internet. [Activist Post]


John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Musings from 20,000 Feet

On airplane Tarmac about to take off. And for a moment was so preoccjpied I couldn’t recall where I was going. And for those few seconds, it was exciting. Anything was possible…


I propose a “Big and Tall” airline for non-anorexics people over 5 ft tall…


I support TSA security measures to combat terrorist threats. And I applaud airlines role in discouraging planes for terrorist purposes by offering cramped seating, delays, and poor service. You are patriots!…


On a plane flight today I noticed the woman next to me doing needlepoint the entire flight. She was an older lady but her hands moved like a precise and steady machine repeating stitch after stitch after stitch. I watched with almost hypnotized interest…it had a calming effect and got me to thinking about more profound things that her knitting represented.  In life, we often believe we are the hands doing the frantic and laborious knitting. In fact, I believe we are more like the design waiting for the Divine Knitter to use us in His pattern as we patiently discover how can be most useful to the world.

At least, that’s my hope…


Traveling again today and feel compelled to share TSA humorous interaction of the day. Got selected for a pat down. Yes! That’s right! Me….who never wins anything.
A large male official patted me down and told me to “move ahead” -all clear. A female official came up next with a wand. I whispered, “I’m not sure he really had his heart into it. You may want to do a once over on me to make sure.” She laughed!! Yay!!

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

“Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it” [ars technica]

Check out this amazing, new touch-screen from Tactus Technology! [TG Daily]

Gizmodo makes the appeal that Xbox Live should switch to being free, or at least the streaming video parts of it. [Gizmodo]

Audi’s laser rear fog light marks a safe distance to back up. Awesome. [picture]

“Nook version of War and Peace turns the word ‘kindled’ into ‘Nookd'” This is just silly. [ars technica]

John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Facebook Posts

I’ve noticed younger people on Facebook (OK, kids!) often can post a single word for a status update and add three exclamation points– and they are deluged with “likes” and comments.

How do they do that?

It must be some sort of secret young people language or maybe it’s just brevity of thought.

Oh never mind. I’m depressed now.

This is the first time ever I referred young people as “kids” and it makes me feel… it….it’s….I’m going to need some time to let this sink in before finishing this thought.


The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

“CEO Says SOPA & CISPA Are Needed Because A Disgruntled Customer Once Set Up A Parody Site To Mock Him.” Okay then. [techdirt]

Three heavyweight committees in the European Parliament gave their voting recommendations on ACTA today. All three gave the same recommendation: reject ACTA. [Falkvinge]

SpaceX Dragon has returned to Earth off the coast of California. [MSNBC]

“I’m going to argue that the futures of Facebook and Google are pretty much totally embedded in these two images” [Robin Sloan]

Hollywood want to make it illegal to skip commercials. [Public Knowledge]

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

After going public Facebook’s stock dropped 11% below, below the IPO price. [Washington Post]

IBM banned employees from using Siri after it was revealed that Apple got a copy of everything you spoke to it. [Wired]

Google has won the patent infringment case brought against them by Oracle. [The Verge]

The original Rick-Roll video has been taken down from YouTube do to copyright claims. Sad day. [Torrent Freak]

SpaceX update here: Dragon has performed a practice lap around the International Space Station. [CBC News]


John Y’s Musings from the Middle: The Loneliest Number

One isn’t the loneliest number that you’ve ever heard, after all. Sometimes it can mean a lot.

On my business page on Facebook which I recently updated…(click here for the page)…it’s off to a slow start and I don’t think there’s much more I can do with it.

Or even want to with it.

It’s one of those things I felt I needed to do because it looks bad if you don’t have one.

But it is depressing when I check it in the morning and it lists the number of “likes” and then always lists “People talking about this” And every morning it says the exact same number of people are talking it: “0.”

As in Zero. Or to translate verbally, nobody.

I understand and didn’t expect anyone to ever talk about it…but does Facebook really need to have than showing on the page? Can they make that optional?

Or better yet, is there a way I can add another “measurement” piece next to it that reads “Number of people thinking about this.” And have the number 1 next to that one.

I mean, heck, if I’m checking to make sure no one is talking about it, I should at least get credit for me “thinking” about the business. Right?

The RP’s Weekly Web Gems: The Politics of Tech

The Politics of Tech

HBO co-president Eric Kessler responds to concerns about HBO’s access to content as well as the “cord-cutting” phenomenon. [Forbes]

Staying on point with the previous story – HBO’s Game of Thrones is on track to become the pirated show of all time. [TechDirt]

In keeping with the theme – Time Warner’s CEO has stated that in order to combat piracy DVDs need to be released very soon after a movie leaves theaters. [Deadline New York]

“Apple has to patch Siri to stop saying the Nokia Lumia 900 is the ‘best smartphone ever'” [The Verge]

Police in Chicago have purchased a sound cannon in anticipation of protests surrounding this weekend’s NATO summit. [Salon]

The first ever attempt for a privately-owned rocket to dock with the International Space Station is set to happen on May 19, SpaceX and NASA have announced. [CNET]


John Y’s Musings from the Middle: Too Much Texting?

Too much texting?

Last night I started a text message and stopped in mid sentence and put away phone to finish message later….but it got sent anyway.

Here’s the exchange– which indicated to me I may be over-texting:

Me: Hey there….I waLMOXXX1OKKQ

Recipient: What does this mean?

Me: Sorry. I put phone in breast pocket and it just typed these letters. Ha!

Recipient: Yeah, my kids call it butt dialing.

Me: Right.

Recipient: What was your message?

Me: Never mind. It’s unimportant and actually makes less sense than what I sent.

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