I could write several pages of why I think that Mitt Romney must be our next President but I realize that much of it will fall on deaf ears as everyone has their own take on every issue that I will bring up. Some will call out for a larger government, and I will argue for a smaller government. Some will call out for increasing taxes, while I would argue the opposite. So I am not going to waste my time or yours repeating the same party talking points.
I think that there is one issue that no one can really argue. We must have bi-partisan participation and compromise in the next four years if we are to resolve the major fiscal problems that threaten not only our country but also the entire free world.
Barack Obama promised to unite our country but we knew early on that this would not be the case. Early examples were sobering including the failed stimulus trillion and the health care plan. Obama has not only failed to unite us….”there are no blue states or red states only the United States” ….but he has been the most partisan President in the history of the US.
Romney has been called a Massachusetts moderate by his challengers in the Republican Party and most of us think that is accurate. He reached across the aisle as a Governor and everyone expects him to do the same as President. Does anyone really think that Axelrod, Jarrett, Holder, Cutter, or other White House insiders to do the same. Instead it will be four more years of a dysfunctional Washington where name and blame continues and the public continues to be more and more disenchanted.
We need a President who will actually meet with Democrats as often as he does Republicans . We need to shove aside ideology in favor of pragmatism. There is only one candidate who will appoint moderates to positions of leadership. There is only one candidate who will govern from the middle. Mitt Romney must be our next President .
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