Josh Bowen: The Hidden Danger

So we all know by now that sugar is detrimental to our bodies and can destroy all the hard work you are doing in the gym. As I have documented in previous articles, sugar is the main nutritional culprit in the obesity society that we have become, in my opinion of course.

So what happens when you are cognizant of nutritional labels but the food industry somehow hides a little secret?

That little secret is known as High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Now research continues to go back and forth on whether artificial sweeteners have the same effect on the body as sugar.

What is clear is High Fructose Corn Syrup represent 40% of all added sweeteners to food and beverages. It’s everywhere:

Common Foods High in High Fructose Corn Syrup

  1. Regular soft drinks
  2. Pancake syrups
  3. Fruit Flavored Yogurts
  4. Ketchup
  5. Breakfast cereals

So what is it and high should I care?

HFCS is a corn based sweetener that is a mixture of fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose (simple sugar). As all carbohydrates is HFCS is 4 calories per gram.  The fructose is the troubling issue.

Yes, it is the sugar in fruit but fructose has a different metabolic pathway than other sugars. Research has shown that taking in excess fructose (main component in HFCS) has contributed to diabetes, metabolic syndrome and hypertension. A Princeton University study showed HFCS caused significant weight gain-even when caloric intake stayed the same (that debunked the calories in vs calories out myth!).

So to summarize all of this:

  1. HCFS is in everything!
  2. Research shows that eating in high amounts contributes to excess weight gain, metabolic syndrome and hypertension.
  3. It can be disguised in your food and you might not even know it!

Read your food labels (it will be listed first or second in the ingredients) and stay away from HFCS. Shop on the perimeter of the store and stay away from the processed foods, they will kill your progress in the gym!


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