Paul Hodes: A Message About the Democratic Narrative

We believe in Freedom and Equal Opportunity. We are optimists. We are idealists, not ideologues. We believe in American ingenuity.

As this election season draws towards its conclusion, Democrats need to talk about our beliefs, our moral values, and what and who we care about.

At our recent Democratic National Convention, Democrats delivered moving messages based on moral values. The diversity of the speakers and participants emphasized over and over: “We’re all in this together.” The stories on-stage supported “We care about each other.” The economic theme emphasized “middle class expansion, not top down” and was based on the moral value, “equal opportunity.” The Convention was purposely short on policy, and long on visual images complete with verbal cues that emotionally touched the American people.

We, Democrats, in our hearts understand that no one makes it on his own without help from all of us. The stories around health care, women’s rights, sexual preference, discrimination — all spoke to our belief in the core values of Freedom and Equal opportunity: freedom from insurance company abuse, freedom from government intrusion into personal lives, freedom and equal opportunity to love and be loved.

Democrats love policy. We believe that if we simply explain issues, folks will understand. What we need now is to inspire people. What President Obama did when he made that historic run for President – stir the heart and soul of people who fundamentally believe in freedom, opportunity, ingenuity and optimism.

Here at the Economic Innovation Action Fund, we believe that a progressive economic agenda of growth and innovation and public-private partnerships is based on moral values. Education, Innovation and Infrastructure are not just policies. They are the foundation for the rebirth of our Democratic Party:

 We believe in a better, more secure economic future;

 We believe that every child should have an equal opportunity for a decent education;

 We believe in hard work and fair pay, where everyone has a fair shot — a thriving market economy must serve the Public good for all;

 We believe in our success as a Nation built by inventors and entrepreneurs where innovation runs in our veins;

 We know that we are all in this together, as a nation, and that our roads and bridges, our grids and our Internet are there to connect us to each other;

 We know that when our actions are grounded in our belief that we care about all the people, our families, our neighbors, our communities and each other, our country is stronger and more resilient; and

 We are optimistic because we stand for all the people, our families, our communities, our schools, health, jobs, civil rights and civil liberties.

Be authentic. Be strong. Speak simply. Speak from the heart about the people and the Country we are fighting for.


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